betta male...not in good shape...


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
high there...
i have a beaten up betta male...
and he's in bad shape...
[full story on the f/water newbie board]...

i think he has internal the visible signs are few...
he has lost a scale...
and now there is a 'puff' of white 'cotton wool' on that spot...
his fins are tattered...and his belly has turned silver...

i'm concerned that he can't swim properly...
he 'corkscrews'...
and he has trouble getting to the surface...

most of the time...he's on his side...on the bottom...
so i have him in a the waterline...

what do you think...time to call it a day... ???
i think he may be suffering too much...

i'm a total any help here much appreciated...
[got lots of support on other sections of the tank]...
thanks guys... :(


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Really the decision is up to you. Very hard for any member to know just how bad off he is. From the story about it it sounds pretty bad. But again it's totally going to have to be your decision to make.

If I had a fish that was obviously not showing signs of getting better, and I could tell he was in great distress. Then yes I would do the deed. Clove oil if you have it is the best method, second (if you can stomach it) would be to cut his head of with a sharp knife. Sorry if it has come to this my man.


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
Pure said:
Really the decision is up to you. Very hard for any member to know just how bad off he is. From the story about it it sounds pretty bad. But again it's totally going to have to be your decision to make.

If I had a fish that was obviously not showing signs of getting better, and I could tell he was in great distress. Then yes I would do the deed. Clove oil if you have it is the best method, second (if you can stomach it) would be to cut his head of with a sharp knife. Sorry if it has come to this my man.
cheers p...
difficult times... :(

he does appear to be getting worse...
but he doesn't seem to be suffering...

i'll watch and wait...


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Awwww, sorry man. Live and learn I guess. Really hate to hear of something like this happening though. At least you didn't have to be the one to make the decision.


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
chears guys...difficult time...

i knew at some point i would lose a fish...
but it's a little early at seven weeks at the 'hobby'...

now the offending gouramis are back at the lfs...
i get to buy new ... :)

It's always sad to loose a fish T_T I lost my first betta after 8 months of fighting off parasites thanks to the darn pet store I got him from... Poor guy died of going Dropsy on me! So in a way he whent as peacful as a betta could with dropsy, Achole is a bad use but I had nothing els at the time and kinda making him drunk was my only choice. Wait for him to go to sleep, then overdose on it so he dies in his sleep.

In a way though, you seem to have the best dissposision for such a hobbie =D It's always best to think that when I fish dies it's a new oncoming for another fishie, once my betta died. It was just about time to shove my sister into letting me have Guppies! And now I'm a happy guppy owner soon to be breeder with a great heart for the common bettas( brown red and purple hues)
I hope your new fishie will love it's friends.. Sounds like ALOT of them lol.

See ya Dago Red, may you see cy in your dreams :) are new member of the rainbow bridge.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
I hada betta( Gilley) and he died in about 3 weekd of having him. He had a deformed gill and that is where his name came from and he died before halloween ( over the weekend) and I just went and got another one(Maxx) and he is sick I hope he makes it. If not then I will get another one and start allover again. I want a red but I love the blue bettas very much.

Sorry for your loss.
Adios muchachos


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
ReefRelics said:
It's always sad to loose a fish T_T I lost my first betta after 8 months ..... [snip] See ya Dago Red, may you see cy in your dreams :) are new member of the rainbow bridge.
hey there...thanks for your mail...really...
i'd forgotton about rainbow bridge...
thanks for reminding me...
i have a cat there called scooter...
he and red can team up...

thanks've made my day...
[tho i could cry...:(... in a kinda nice way]


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
ninamarie said:
I hada betta( Gilley) and he died in about 3 weekd of having him. He had a deformed gill and that is where his name came from and he died before halloween ( over the weekend) and I just went and got another one(Maxx) and he is sick I hope he makes it. If not then I will get another one and start allover again. I want a red but I love the blue bettas very much.

Sorry for your loss.
Adios muchachos
thanks ninamarie...
i read about maxx on another thread...
all the best with him...
i really hope he makes it...