Betta Mates Question

OK Have the Betta in a 7gallon tank, filter, heater and all is well :)
I was talking to someone at work about it and they told me that I should get a 'african frog' for the tank. I did a search on here and found a few things but I have a couple of questions.
Wouldn't the Betta eat it or terrorize it?
What exactly do they require?
And could I fit in 2 frogs?

Thanks in advance :)


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Most bettas leave frogs alone, but if you have a particularly aggressive betta he could hurt the frog. All they require is a heated tank, and feeding. I handfeed, and I think that most people do... they eat bloodworms or whatever, but they have poor eyesight so it needs to be dangled right in front of their eyes with a little turkey baster or tweezers. They don't need to be able to get out on land ever, but they do need to be able to reach the top of the tank for air (like a betta). In a 7g with only 1 betta, you have more than enough room for 2 frogs.

Leopardess has an awesome ADF article around here somewhere...

wow thanks for the fast reply! :)
Would I need to lower my water level a little more for the frog to get air?
The tank isnt every deep at all (7gallon mini bow system, tetra whisper filter 5-15) and heated to 76.
How much do they eat? Should I add something to my tank for them to hide in?
Right now I have a small fake plant (going to figure out how to deal with live plants this summer when Have the time for it) and a med size decoration.

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
No, you shouldn't need to lower the water level... as long as the betta can get air, the frog should be able to also. They eat until their tummy is round and full... you can tell by looking at them. They don't really need anything to hide in, they'll find a place. I have a little cave in my 2.5g for the frog, but he never uses it anyways. He likes to hide in one of the fake plants. Some frogs are also floaters... they like to float around and relax.

thanks :)

I found Leopardess' post on ADF's. Great info. I think I'm going to get 2 this weekend. The only thing I might have a prob with is finding the long tweezers. Should I still add salt? (though i do not add very much at all)I am going to get a different filter though. I think the one I have in will be too much. (pic of my filter with specs are in my thread on bettas with filters).

This is an addictive hobby lol.
All I wanted when I signed on this board was info on setting up my 10g. Never got the 10 g, went right for the 29g eclipse, now i have he 7g with the betta and a 2g with another betta lol.

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