Betta mating


Small Fish
Oct 16, 2003
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It was so cool what I've just witnessed.

So I had the usual male betta and 2 females, however one of the females was beaten by the other female and the male so I moved her to another tank, so she didn't die.

After a few weeks, both the male and female started to get frenzy heh. The male flared at the female, but not attacking, and eventually he wrapped completly around her. At first I thought he was paralyzing her since she floated to the top full of lil bubbles. She layed there and I thought "Aw crap that was a slow death" but white specks shooted out (eggs perhaps?) and was in the nest of bubbles. They did it about 3-4 times. I video taped some of it (fish porno? lol) if y'all wanna see, but the quality might be bad since it was in the sunlight.

Anyways I noticed that the male betta was nibbling on the free floating eggs, and I wanted to save a few babies, so is there any way to save them or is it survival time?

Also I'd like to know when the eggs will form into tiny fish. Just out of curiousity :D But I loved watching them!


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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congrats on the successful spawn!
If you havn't already removed the female,you may want to remove her, as she might eat the eggs.
The eggs will hatch in ~ 2 days. During this time, leave the lights on and don't feed the male. The male will take care of the eggs. Once the fry becomes free-swimming, remove the male.

you can take a look at this site, lots of useful info there:


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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Did they spawn by accident or did your put them together to spawn on purpose?

The male is likely just cleaning the eggs or bringing them back to the nest when they fall down. He might be eating them, but there is nothing you can do about that till they become free-swimming (horizonally), then you can remove the male also.

Is the tanks setup? Is it heated to 80F, does it have a small bubble filter on super low? Is there gravel on the bottom?

It will take 24 to 36 hours before you see the fry tails dropping out of the eggs, then 4-6 days before they become free-swimming, then in 4-6 weeks you will need to jar all the males, then in 6 months you can try selling them once they are big enough.

Congratulations & welcome to a hell of a lot of work ;)