betta mishap

Feb 22, 2003
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I had a bit of a betta mishap...I have a betta in a barraks system and one in the tank. The barracks fell off and the other betta got into the tank and attacked the other one. He only seemed to have bit half of the other ones fins offf then hid till I noticed and separated them. I now have the injured one in a separate jar with betta remedy an I'm wondering how long I should wait to put him back into the community tank....Someone please help....


Superstar Fish
well, I would keep him in a hospital tank until he has recuperated a little, but once he is showing improvement and has his strength back, you could put him back in the community, although it depends what you have in it. Are there any fish in it that would nip at him? Also, I would use some Melafix (I have had fast, great results with it healing fins) in the hospital tank. Also, maybe something to ward off any secondary infections. I would keep him in the other tank for as long as possible though, to allow him to get the medicine he needs without having to medicate the community tank along with all of its inhabitants.

Also, I wouldn't risk having the two bettas set up like that anymore...

Feb 22, 2003
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I'm keeping him alone and I'm going to get another small tank just for him...Will his fins grow back or am I stuck with him having short fins, not that I mind.....Also what kind of fish can be put in with him in a bowl that won't be heated or have a filter???I don't want him to get tooo lonely as he's used to having others with him..

His tails SHOULD grow back but it will take time. Get community fish like Guppies or non agressive tetras with him. They should leave him alone and they can all swim happily ever after. Or to be safe, you can buy some ladies (female Bettas) for him, they won't fight with him, and he won't to them! :D hope everything works out!

Feb 22, 2003
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well I decided to get him his own little tank and he seems happier....he follows my hand when I go to feed him its soooo cute....He may be at the bottom when I open the tank but flys to the top to greet me...his tails are slowly growing back thankfully.....thanks for the advice I really appreciate it


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I personally think males prefer their own turf anyway.

My two males tanks are on the same stand, and sometimes I push them closer together for a few minutes and let them flare and show-off, but only for a few minutes.

That seems to keep them active, happy, and with no risk of other fish nipping or pestering them.

Finchy in the 2gal (with losts of decorations) is as active and bright as Rigel in the 3gal.