Betta name? Maybe....

Jul 10, 2003
New Mexico
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Well, me and my brother have had our 2 bettas for awhile now, and he's tried to name mine for so long (mine's the blue one, his red). But I never wanted it named, but now, I'm thinking I'd like a name for it.

So, can anyone help me come up with an interesting name for a blue betta (one with loads of attitude and is a meany? LOL)....any name will do..I think it'd be pretty cool to name him! LOL

Thanx*laughingc :cool:


Large Fish
Jul 12, 2003
Evansville, Indiana
Mowgli, it's from a german mystery novel. lol It was the name of the dog in it. BTW, I didn't read that book for fun. It was a project, and I had to read it for German IV. That class really sucked, but I guess I didn't learn because I'm taking German AP this year. That's about equivalent to German VI! I know, I know, I'm a moron, but I think everyone on this planet has their moron moments, too. lol :)