betta now not eating


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
remember the betta fish that I showed you who's tail is clamped, and the white dots on the nose. Well I have been putting betta fix but its not working. His tail looks a bit fanned out on the top but the bottom is still reallt stuck together or clamped, and the white dots are still there. Anyway just wondering if 3 drops methaline blue would do any harm if i put it in his tank, to get rid of his white spots on him? Also he is not really eating much a nibble here and there. What can I do for that as well. Thanks

P.S. I am doing a complete water change in a few min.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Since the betta fix tratment, I notice he has been swimming more than before and darting less. Anyway I put blue methalyne in the water to help kill of any diseases he has. The pet store said it wouldn't hurt. I just fed him 2 flakes and he ate them. Yesterday, I changed the rock in his tank and castle, rinsed his tree very well, and the tank i scrubed it with hot water. Hopefully he will be ok. Just the dots around his nose is make me scared. It might be too far gone. His tail is stuck clamped i think forever. He saw his neighbor when I put them back after cleaning, and he flared but his tail didn't really move much. So giving up on the tail, worring about the dots now. my poor baby *SICK* If there is anything more I can do, let me know plz. ty

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Do you have any good LFS near you, perhaps they can help your poor cup pup. I hope he makes a full recovery. Does he rub the area with the spots? Sometimes when a fish darts it could be parasites or something in the water. See if your fish store will test the water, maybe there is something in the tap that is making him ill. At this point try everything you can think of that might help. I truly hope he pulls through.


Large Fish
Jan 26, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Update, My red little guy (flounder) seems to have made a full recovery. His tail is even opened now and he is flaring and swimming more than he did before. However, my other betta (Aries) might have the same thing starting cause I found one white dot on his nose. I am keeping an eye on it, if I see another dot or other strange behavior i will act. Its my fault though if he is sick cause I cleaned the sick betta's tank first, then did Aries tank and put him in the same bowl I used for the Flounder. Here are the before and after pics of Flounder and One of Aries's dot, Please let me know if you can see if it is something to worry about. Thanks

Flounder before:

Flonder Now:

Aries's Dot