Betta on a plane


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Ok peoples, my question is this: can i take my betta home for Easter on a prop plane or a private jet? I've been offered a flight home with a friend of mine (we arent sure if they are going to take the 6 seater prop plane, or if they are going to take the 10seater jet...), but I think I need to take Flounder with me. I will be leaving Thursday afternoon between 1-2 and I will be back sometime Sunday evening...So, thats half of Thursday, all of Friday, all of Saturday, and pretty much all of Sunday he will be alone. Is that too long for him to not eat? If it is, can I take him on either of the above listed planes, or will he explode or something from the pressure...?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
He'll be fine for that time alone. That's only 2 days without food if you feed on Thursday before you leave and Sunday when you get back. He'd really be fine for a week or 2 alone, over a long weekend is fine.


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2006
east coast
this is the thing if you are planning to bring your betta with you, do not feed him one day prior to leaving because he would poop in his water and the ammonia will rise therefore you don't feed him one day prior so he won't poop in the container you are planning to transport him in. If the plane is pressurized then you keep him with you because cargo area are not pressurized and the bags will burst, the bag should be prepared just like when you purchase them at a LFS. Bettas can go without food no more than 5 days max. Hope this help because breeders do the same thing when they ship them to you when you purchase online. They are in bags and are not fed one day prior to shipping to minimize waste in the bag and if you have almond leaves just a tiny piece will be placed in the water to calm him down stress factor that is. Hope this help

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or put himin a bowl with a lid or soemthing, i dont think he will presurize, because our body is something like 90% water or soemthing and we dont burst do we? has as long as their are holes or soemthing or open the bag when you take off and close it when you reach your altitude,saem thing when your landing


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
alrighty. Its a 30-45min flight, so its not long at all and I never feed him the day before we go on trips, thats just something I always do with my animals - i dunno so they dont puke or something, lol.

I'll think about thaking him or not. I just hate to leave him all alone...yes, im an overprotective mother :rolleyes:

I dont think my roommate is leaving till friday, so if i could get her to remember to feed him before she leaves (not likely, but worth a shot), then I would probably be great....I think I'll try for that scenario.

Thanks so much for everyone's input and advice!


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Bah don't let someone feed him, they most likely will over feed. He will be fine without food until you get home.

this is the thing if you are planning to bring your betta with you, do not feed him one day prior to leaving because he would poop in his water and the ammonia will rise therefore you don't feed him one day prior so he won't poop in the container you are planning to transport him in. If the plane is pressurized then you keep him with you because cargo area are not pressurized and the bags will burst, the bag should be prepared just like when you purchase them at a LFS. Bettas can go without food no more than 5 days max. Hope this help because breeders do the same thing when they ship them to you when you purchase on line. They are in bags and are not fed one day prior to shipping to minimize waste in the bag and if you have almond leaves just a tiny piece will be placed in the water to calm him down stress factor that is. Hope this help
As a breeder and on line seller I just wanted o correct you a tad bit. Wile yes we do not feed the day before for the reason you mentioned. It is a bit more complex than this. Ammonia isn't what you need to worry about, well not so much if the package/fish is going to make it to their destination in a day or 2. But they do live and do so very well if lost in the mail for an extended period of time. Build up of carbon dioxide in the bag drops the PH (it doesn't take much) making ammonia convert to ammonium (is that right?) well a non poisonous version of ammonia. However, when a package gets lost and then finally finds it's way to it's destination, acclimation methods change greatly. The fish need the ol drop n plop method. That is no acclimation at all! As soon as you open that bag the oxygen will raise the PH and convert the ammonium back to ammonia stressing your fish more than drop n plop ever could and possibly kill them.

I've had guppies live in bags for 14 days now.


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Ok kids, I left my baby by himself... :( My roomie is gonna give him a little snacky just before she leaves in the mornin...

I sure hope he makes it through this weekend :eek:


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Pure said:
...As a breeder and on line seller I just wanted o correct you a tad bit. Wile yes we do not feed the day before for the reason you mentioned. It is a bit more complex than this. Ammonia isn't what you need to worry about, well not so much if the package/fish is going to make it to their destination in a day or 2. But they do live and do so very well if lost in the mail for an extended period of time. Build up of carbon dioxide in the bag drops the PH (it doesn't take much) making ammonia convert to ammonium (is that right?) well a non poisonous version of ammonia. However, when a package gets lost and then finally finds it's way to it's destination, acclimation methods change greatly. The fish need the ol drop n plop method. That is no acclimation at all! As soon as you open that bag the oxygen will raise the PH and convert the ammonium back to ammonia stressing your fish more than drop n plop ever could and possibly kill them.

I've had guppies live in bags for 14 days now.

*justification for the drop and plop method at last...*


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Hello all! Well, Flounder made it! He wasn't the happiest guy when I first got home, but once he got some yummy in his tummy, he was good :) So, yep, I had a great Easter weekend with my fam and my little fishy did just fine all by his lonesome ;)