About a month ago I posted about a lump on my betta's tummy, near her fin. I treated her for 10 days (twice the normal time) for internal parasites with Maracyn II. The lump shrunk and I even saw a white hair, much like a worm come out of the lump and break off, leaving a red mark on her lump. As I don't have much money to buy medicine, and since Finn seemed to be more stressed with the medicine, I stopped treating her after the box ran out. However, yesterday she took a turn for the worse. Her scales are sagging around the spot where the worm came out of her body. Her lower fins are turning white at the tips and shredding. She has lost even more mobility in her fin and the current is too strong for her, so she hides behind her stack of terra cotta pots. (Any ideas as to how to weaken the flow of an Aqua-Tech 10-20? I recall something about a method using a plastic soda pop container.) My mom is buying another box of Maracyn II tonight but I'm worried I'll have to continue treating her with the medicine for the rest of her life, however long that may be.