Betta pics link

Feb 29, 2004
I'm kind of new here, but some people in the Introduce Yourself board have been asking for pics of my betta's so I posted some. Unfortunatly, after I put them all up on the site I wanted to put them on, I found out you have to be logged in on my account to see them, or I have to send you a personal e-mail so that you can see them.

I did not do all that work for nothing, so instead, I decided, if you want to see them, and since I put absolutly no personal infromation on that account, you can just log in through that account, so I dont have to go looking for another site and re-post that entire thing, which took me quit a while. Again there is no personal information on that account at all, only an e-mail address, which I don't mind anyone seeing, so it shouldn't be a problem.

If you would like to see my betta pics, go to this link:

and copy/paste this e-mail address into the box:

and the password, "guest".

Then you should be able to click on the betta album and see my pics. Ugh...getting an online picture album doesn't have to be this difficult, I know. :(