Betta plan


Medium Fish
May 26, 2003
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Hey...I wouldn't try to squeeze more than the 4-5 in a 5g. I think that's rather dangerous because female bettas don't always get along and with a pecking order, 5g doesn't seem to be very much room for swimming away and hiding for that amount of bettas. I'll be the first to admit I'm a fishkeeping newbie, but from what I've gathered so far, maybe it's not the greatest of ideas. As much as there's a chance the girls may all get along, I still think there's likely to be a pretty aggressive female or two that could bring down the quality of life for all the inhabitants in that small a tank.

May 27, 2003
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Originally posted by Antwan
Bettas could live in toilets. I would'nt even bother with a filter. Just do frequent water changes. You could probably sqeeze a few more in their too.

Naw, believe me, several bettas could be good for that tank, some shrimp too. 1 in:1 gal rule is good for newbies with peaceful fish and all that, but its pretty obvious when you can't use it.
IMO, I still think that's small for them. I personally hate the 1" per fish rule myself, because it favors small fish, severely cramps larger fishes. If you're trying in insinuate that I'm a newbie at fish keeping, just remember, you said it yourself that "bettas could live in toilets". An experienced aquarist will always consider the well being of their fishes, and would NEVER even consider that! Without a filter, the water would go stale fast, and probably smell. Poor bettas, they are deffinately the most abused fishes in the world. Don't even get me started with "betta vision" crap.

The 1 in.:1 gal. rule work with fish up to 3 in. After that, a 4 in fish require 5+ gallons, a 6 in. fish requires 10+ gal., and so on. And I was using that "bettas could live in toilets" as a joke. I was just pointing out that bettas are very, very hardy fish. I didn't mean that he could throw bettas in the toilet if he wanted to, God no, I'm just saying that a filter isn't absolutely necessary. Maybe I shoudn't joke around so much. He could just filter about 1/3 water out every week if he wanted to. Most of the fish bowl nation does that with their bettas/goldfish. But I do agree that bettas shouldn't be kept in 8 oz. cups their whole life.

And I apologize, I wasn't implying that you're a newbie, I wouldn't know that. My post just happen to be in the wrong order.