Betta pugnax


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
Has anyone heared of this fish before? I was just researching bettas when I came across the Betta pugnax type. They sound like the betta we have all been waiting for, from what I have read males not only can, but prefer to be kept together! Although most of them have duller colors that the betta splendens, some of them are beautiful.
does anyone know anything about this fish? Furthurmore has anyone seen, owns or knows where we can get them? =)

Oct 22, 2002
Yeah there are well over 20 species of betta. They all live in the far east. The ones you are talking about live in running water and are mouth brooders. Personally some of the mouthbrooders are better looking than normal bettas, but many are very difficult to keep as they require acid water similar to chocolate gouramis.

yeah, ive heard of him before. hes a mouthbrooder and will not fight with males or females even if they were kept in the same tank. ive seen these guys before, a whole tnk full of males and females. they were REALLY beautiful. they only flared at each other once in a while but they havent done any damange to each other. they costed 10 dollars a pair (canadian dollars), wanted to get some, but i didnt have any room, :(