betta Q's


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Betta probably doesn't care about the substrate in the tank...but depending on your filter for the 2.5 you may not be able to do sand because sand wont work with an undergravel filter, you'd need gravel. Plants heavy or sparse, the betta really probably wont'd probably see more of him if it was more sparse.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
An undergravel filter is a large filter that the gravel rests on. It is a large grid that lays on the bottom. Then an air pump works it's filter. If you have one Betta and already a filter whether it be a one that submerges or one that fits on the rim of the tank that is probably all you need as the undergravel ones can be a pain to manage sometimes. Make sure the the power is low or light as Bettas do not like strong currents. If you use fake plants be sure to get silk as plastic can damage the fins. The more items you have in the aquarium the more interesting your fish's life will be so go nuts and spoil him with plants and non rough decorations, just remember to make it so he has easy swimming room.


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
it consists of a slotted plate that is kept under the gravel. beneficial bacteria will grow on it. using airlines, water passes over the plate and resurfaces as the air bubbles turn it up.

the betta will just be happy it's not living in a plastic cup!!!!!! ;)

I have my bettas always in gravil, but thats only cause it's easier for clean up and ALOT more colorful. The betta just cares to have it nicly filtered, no other fish in such a size, no snails, and no flakes o_o Hikarie Betta biogold is perfict for a two gal betta. As to the planted, my betta lived 5 months without anything but a big dragon wing in the centure of the aquarium ^_^ So it's mainly what you like and what may look good with them, just be sure to have a dark plant for him/her to hide under when it's to bright. But for easy veiwing of your Betta, I suggest keeping them less clustered in fake plants and alot of green. It'll make the betta pop like no tomorrow and look even more beautiful!! *-*. Just keep a eye on algie, cause in a 2 gale the lights naturaly grow algie X_X, to warm and great for bettas. But thje algie will thrive if you get a porus plant, so if you could stick with a slick fake plant =D you'll have a happy clean, and relaxed betta with no worries ^_^.Just dont put yout hand in there and the plants when he/she is in it ! They freek out horibly and dont recover for days ...

And as the above said, a undergravil filter comes with filter stones and are some of the most perfict filter for your bettas, the good healthy bacteria will clean most of what poop they do right out and though you still have to change water, with a under gravil filter as long as you change it once every water change, it should be okay... By any chance did you get a Hawakey Top Fin version 9 1.66 gal starter kit that came with the tank =D You sound like you have the same exact set up as my bettas do! However in this case, I am STRONGLY againced useing sand with your betta, it will kill the filter and most likly clog the porus holes and leave you with returning the tank to the suspected petshop =/....And if you have fake plants in there, get another inch of gravil /rock in with it so that it isint resting derectly on top of the undergravil filter so you will have a easier filtration ^^.

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O_O SAME TANK DIFFERENT COMPANY!!! I got a hex just like that in black =D!!

Hm... One word, Licac... *_*... : image sample:

This way your pointy plant will match em * as long as it's fake* the neon will be purfict againced its rugged beauty and awesome power of pretraquility while it bobs with flowing fins, this one is just a marvalus color for neon tanks and mine was a inbreed of this species, their immuned * not invinsible * to Fin rot due to its bodies special coat and other then getting Hikarie Betta Biogold, Freeze Dried brine shrimp will put this beasty looking wonder at peace every time *thumbsups You can get it from anywhere as long as the price fits it's shipment, highest price for a inbreed beauty like mine was is $2.50 but a Champion or otherwise breeding champ is $59-$120 tops. the inbreeds have huge fins like this, but their duller in shade sometimes.

lol I know!

If you see any purple Long finned Emperial crowned bettas " Moon fish" Most likly its related to this =D And they have even better coloring and they can easily be found at any fish store =3..but it's best to order this special breed online* the one in the image*, the one in the image above is a pure bred X_X. But if you know what to look for you can easily find this in a pestmart with shorter perpendicular fin, but they are just as beautiful as long as their not ticked off o_O.. When these kinds get angery, you need some heavy duity by covering the aquarium, they are known to attack their own selfs.. --;

But fantastic also has a wide selection of shops you can get them from, you can also get them at and discovery has some great links =D. A petstore like Petsmart has purple ones all the time if you dont want to pay to much =3 and they are honorably the best alone, but you can try a guppy or two,some algie eaters and such cause many of them are personality mongers and can prove the people who say " they eat ALL other fishies" wrong XD Mine would have rather been attacked by swordies and guppies rather then attcking them!! So you could get a colorful arangment of fish as long as you are willing to loose a few gups in the prossess. But alone these guys are awesome and in your tank he will be in a dream *_*! you can also find them at the pet store in fiberoptic, they look white but in blue light they have some weird colorings like spots and such, it's rare though.

Any petstore has some exactly like this though, just look at the ones in back =D and ask for purple the next time they order it, cause only pruple bettas are related to the obove species though they are becomeing more colorful each gene breeding. And the pet store has them for cheep :nods; 5 bucks tops.
however getting a few more plants wouldint hurt, just be sure there SUPER neon so he will not blend and pop out for you to easily seem him =3

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Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
actually reefrelics that betta you showed is a copper gold. The lighting reflects off the iridescents in the scales and comes out with some stunning colors. Wile under no light most coppers look purple.

Also that one in particulate is called a half moon or HM this is because of the shape of the fin. It is very rare to find HMs in any pet store. This is because out of 200 or 300 HM fry you will only get a couple that are more than nice delta tales, and show the full half moon shape.

Just about any full Hm is going to cost at least 20 bucks and I would say that would very cheap for one. This is because of how few of them 1 spawn will produce.

HMs are also very inbred, to be honest all bettas in the trade outside of wilds are inbred. HMs are probably more so than the common veil tale you will find at a LFS. But in the sense that HM males are bred with HM females I guess you could call them purebred.