Betta question...need help!

Jul 10, 2003
New Mexico
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Most of you know about my last betta issue (
*thumbsdow ), but this is different:

Ever since I moved my betta back to his tank, an odd smell has been coming from it. Before we had put him in the 55 gallon (for those who know that whole blah story), his tank never used to smell, but as soon as we moved him back in his original one, a very odd, very disguisting smell comes from it. It is very strong, and very nasty. I can't figure it out! I keep thinking maybe its his food, but we've fed him the same kind of food ever since we bought him, so why start smelling now? I'm not sure what it is ,but you can't even imagine how nasty it is! I clean his tank EVERY week because of it, and the smell STILL comes back. I just can't imagine what it could be!

But if anyone could help me, please do!! Then I can figure out what it is, cuz it comes back worse and worse and its driving me absolutly bonkers! Thanx to any help given! :D ;)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
While I was on holiday my plants grew like mad and reached the water surface. Where they did, they'd trapped food from the automatic feeder and blue green slimey algae had grown. It smelt indescribably awful. I managed to get it all out and everything is ok.
I just wonder if you've got some of that lurking somewhere? Something that goes into over drive when you put your Betta in and start providing a food source?
Whatever it is....I think you need to do a really thorough clean.
I don't know what your tank is like, but can you keep your Betta in a big bowl or jug for the day and give the tank a really thorough clean and sterilize everything? I'd boil the gravel and ornaments or use an aquarium disinfectant...use potassium permanganate on any real plants and make sure you get all dead leaves etc off them.
I'd replace all filter media and seed it from your other non smelly tank.
Put back as little of the old water with your Betta as possible.
That's what I'd's what I had to do when my toddler put in half a pot of food when I was new to the hobby and just thought it would be ok. It was so not ok a few days later! LOL

Jul 10, 2003
New Mexico
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well, whenever i do clean it, i put the betta in a 2nd bowl (its the same size as the one he's in)...and i throughly clean the rock, decorations, and the bowl, but when i clean them, i still can't manage to get all of the smell out..just enough of it to make it better...but i leave him out of the bowl until the stuff is cleaned...but i put him in the other one, since he didnt seem to use that one and i'm waiting to see how long it goes without smelling..but i'll have my dad pick up some antibiotics or whatever to clean it

actually scrumpy, after reading ur post, i realized that his tank didn't start smelling until we came back from a short vacation...wonder if that was some sort of cause of it....???