betta question


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've had a new betta for about 8 weeks now but in the last 2-3 weeks he has been sitting down the bottom of the tank hiding in the plants. Also the tank I have is a juwel reckord 60 with a boxed in filter/pump/heater in the back right corner. he tends to sit up there where the water gets sucked in and flattens himself against it... its like he's tickling himself or something! is this normal behavior?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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A little wierd. Bettas are not strong swimmers (do not like strong current) but it seems he is going there on purpose. What is the tank temperature set at?

Are his fins out or tight to his body. Tight fins usually mean stress. Did your add any fish 2-3 weeks ago - are any fish chasing him?

I am surprized the betta is not going after the guppies, they usually mistake guppies for other bettas and can attack them.

Regardless, I would look for any signs of Ick (white spot - like grains of salt on his body or fins) - he may be stratching himself.


Superstar Fish
I'm wondering if he gets tired out from swimming against the current and gets "sucked" up to it. Bettas really don't have the muscles for a lot of swimming.

Or, he could be sick. Perhaps add some salt and/or melafix.

I might try adding some big plants in front of the filter intake and out take. This will help settle any current down.

Do you have places for him to go and hide? To get away from the current and light and what not?

Sitting up against the filter in take is not normal, but it is normal if a betta rests against the bottom or leaves of plants every once in a while. Mine is so lazy that he'll prop himself up in the fork of a plant and just veg there for ever.

But, yes, a little more info on your tank would be beneficial :)


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
ok ... the temp is about 78-80 depending on the temp in house.. i live in england so the weather changes every five minutes...i add salt every time i change the water ( 25%) weekly...i add tapsafe stuff to make the water ok too. there are quite a few plants, most are small at the moment as snails did a good job in destroying the large tall flat leaved ones I had... just got some new diff ones and waiting for them to grow... i don't think he is getting sucked up there, there isnt a particularly strong current, although I guess thats relative...

the fins aren;t tight to the body but not spalyed out either... just kida floating around... he's never ever aggressive to anything... i wonder if the mollies may have been to boisterous for him but they have been removed to a new home this week . if it was them then i guess he'll settle down or perk up as time goes on... as for the guppies, he just seems to ignore the, although someone has taken a nip out of the guppies tail... i don't think it was him tho as I've never seen him aggressive...

I'll add some more plants but there are places for him to hide although they may be a little to small for him so I will try getting something bigger!

thanks for the advice!


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2003
Aurora, IL
my betta loves to swim around the tank and then take a nap with my Cory. the like to hide in their cave together.....

he might just like it..... ive seen plenty of weird behavior from Bettas...... sometimes i think that after being cramped for so long in those Betta containers that they dont know what to do in a larger tank.

you could always try turning down (or off) the filter and see what he does......

Jun 28, 2003
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Hey Jin, i'm from the UK too and i've noticed that our Bettas dont tend to be as showy as the american ones, maybe i'm wrong but from the pics of seen of american bettas they seem to have bigger more displayed fins, the British ones appear more 'whispy'.

Has anyone else noticed a difference?


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
At last another UK person!

Yes i think the betta's here are slightly diff... this is the 3rd one I've had and he's very floaty... mine is a mix of lota of different colours too... sometimes he looks pale pink.. others pale blue... and he has these huge patches of purple... he's just gorgeous!
But def slightly different... saw one in Spain when i lived there and he was more like the pictures i've seen on US ones... wonder why that is.....?