Betta-safe Tankmates?


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
What other livestock can I put into a 3-gal Eclipse tank with one betta...besides shrimp? the tank is I'm not sure if a snail will work or not.


Sep 11, 2005
It's rather hit and miss with the betta friends. Sometimes peaceful fish can be nippy on the betta, and other times the betta can be a little aggressive. Sometimes both. Other times it's a perfect coexistence.

So instead of my usual talk about who can live with a betta, I'll tell you who generally shouldn't be put in with a betta.

First, obviously, other male bettas. But also females are a risk I wouldn't take.

Other anabantoids like gouramis and paradise fish.

Aggressive or semi aggressives like sharks, tiger barbs, etc.

Angels or other cichlids.

Little nippy buggers like danios and certain small tetras.

I have corys in my betta tank. I might also get a few otos. Neon tetras work well, and I assume cardinal tetras too. I hear that african frogs do well in betta tanks. A cherry barb might work, though I'd keep a watch on his nippiness.

Generally speaking, any peaceful fish that the betta won't attack will work. But you just have to watch and make sure it's okay once they're introduced because fish all have their individual personalities and temperment. What works in one tank might not work in another.


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
thanks for the advice guys. I tried putting in 3 shrimp and they all assuming the betta killed them. I might try an AFD to see. Really want a snail but im afraid it will eat my plants.

does anyone know of a snail that wont eat: banana plats, java moss, annarcharris, anubias?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The ADF won't eat the plants. They make pretty good betta companions.

You could get a mystery snail, they don't eat plants.

I agree that a 3g tank is too small for a group of neons. They shouldn't be kept in groups of less than 5, and that would overload your tank.


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
Thanks Lotus,

yeah i wasnt thinking of putting neons in...just a snail or frog. The problem is finding a tankmate that wont be attacked by my betta.

Are Mystery Snails the ones with the conical black shells?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006

Check out, as it will have all you need to know about Mystery snails.

I had two golden mystery snails which, according to what I've read (and as Lotus stated), don't really eat plants. However, in my case they did munch on the banana parts of the banana plants.

Folks say that they will only really eat dead/dying plants, however mine seem to be growing (although the chewed up banana parts eventually fell off, and new ones grew back in place of them).

I wanted to get the plants growing though, so I ended up giving my mystery snails to an LFS. :(

I really enjoyed having them though, and I'm thinking I might get some of the black ones...or maybe a bit of both the blacks and the goldens...
Seems like the plants will grow back anyway.

As for stocking a 3 gallon Eclipse. I've got close to a 3 inch blue cray in there (this is not a permanent home for him...he will get too big), along with 4 cherry barbs. I actually had 5 in there to begin with, but one of the barbs became bloated and sickly (but not due to water quality...I test very regularly, and have not had any water-quality issues to speak of), so the cray ate it.
Other than that, everything has been just fine.

Whether or not a tank is actually "over-stocked" is primarily dependent upon your level of expertise...the care, and consistency with which you're willing to keep up with tank maintenance...and the actual 'swimming room' that the fish have.
I feel that it is cruel to keep fish in an environment that keeps them from swimming around "naturally" (or as 'natural' as we can get in our little man-made fish tanks), with enough swimming space. That is why I refuse to put zebra danios in either of my tanks, as I feel that even the 12 gallon (which is on the tall side) doesn't have enough horizontal swimming space for them.

The cherry barbs however, even when in the 12 gallon tank, were relatively 'inactive' compared to danios (and compared to my other fish as well), which is why I moved them to the 3 gallon tank. They seem to be doing just fine, and I have no problems whatsoever with the cray eating them if he so chooses.

I'm babbling on, so I'll stop. Just wanted to share my opinions on these topics. ;)
Big Vine

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Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
I have a Betta in a 5 Gallon tank. He is with 5 A.D.Fs. and an african glass catfish (The catfish should really be in large groups , I had nine in another tank but the Pims got to fancy them TOO much and now he is all I have left. But appears happy enough).also a couple of shrimp. If the shrimp died I would check the water quality first.


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
ADF's are supposed to be really good betta buddies. I'm looking into getting one as soon as i clear up my poor boy's flukes :eek:. And I have a 1.5 gallon tank. According to everyone I've talked to, my tank will be just fine for the two and possibly even a second ADF - they are so cute, I can't wait to get one for Flounder to paly with ;)