betta + sand = death?

Aug 23, 2003
Granada Hills, Ca.
it has been about 2 weeks since i put sand into my 10 gallon. there was seemingly no probs till today, i found my betta dead. the only thing i can tell from external appearances was his lips, it was white and had bits of sand stuck on it. i believe that my betta was biting into the sand for a piece of food. he has done this before, and it seemed liked there would be no problems. but now it seems like a piece of sand might have choked him.

1. is it possible for sand to have choked my betta?
2. is it possible for the betta to have choked in less than 24 hours? he was eating food like a healthy betta would just yesterday.
3. has anyone had any problems with sand and bettas or any other fish?

in anycase, if i get another betta, he/she will not have a sand substrate until i get the stigma out of my mind.


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
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I don't think it was the sand, at least I hope not, I'm thinking about putting sand in my 10 gal., that has a male betta in it...when I do, I'll let you know what happens Itchy. Fish put everything in their mouths, all the little floaty bits in the tank water and they usually spit out the stuff they don't like, so I would think the betta would spit out the sand no?