Betta sick?


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
So I've noticed recently that my Betta is very lethargic and always resting on the bottom of the tank, on the gravel. He barely moves..only to get food and air. I dont see any signs of sickness or fungus or ick..just that he constantly sits on the bottom. He is a bit overweight though. If I didnt know any better, I would say that hes...depressed. Is that possible? Or could this be some sort of illness that I'm not aware of?

My betta lives in a 3 gal Eclipse tank by himself. There are several plants and he has a little cave to hide in. The water levels are all fine and I change the water weekly.

Can someone offer any insight into this? thanks!


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
I've had him for about 6 monthes...I dont think hes that old but I have no idea how old he is..

I might try to find him some diferent kinds of food to see if he perks up..


Small Fish
Sep 15, 2006
Grymatta said:
I've had him for about 6 monthes...I dont think hes that old but I have no idea how old he is..

I might try to find him some diferent kinds of food to see if he perks up..
Most Bettas that are obtained from petstores are around 5-6 months. Yours might be just over 1 year old(Your six months and the total time the petstore kept them). In my research I read that if Bettas are taken very well care of they can live from 8-10 years. 2-3 years seems much more common though. Your betta might not be over weight also, they can get constipated from not feeding them enough fiber containing foods. Mine likes Corn very much, which contains a good amount of fiber. A variety of food is best.

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Large Fish
May 16, 2005
if hes constipated..only his stomach is swollen right?

My betta has pretty much doubled his belt size in the last 6 monthes. He looks like Steven Segal right now..with the puffy face and body.

I fed him some cyclopeze granules last night to see if it might have his digestion. I'll try some frozen bloodworms later in the week..


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
If his underbelly is swollen, lack of appetite and lethargic, he may be suffering from symptoms known as Dropsy, which is not a disease itself but a common term to describe a symptom of some form of internal infection or organ failure.

If the betta's kindneys shut down due to infection or otherwise, he will start to accumulate fluid inside his body, and he will swell a lot, till his scales start sticking out like a pinecone.

Its hard to diagnose and treat if it gets to that stage. I have only sucessfully treated one of the 300 or so betta's I've owned (former breeder) who got what I think was 'dropsy' symptoms (using anti-biotics).

I guess what I am saying it its likely not a food issue. Betta's seem prone to this, and it may only be a matter of time.

I would treat with an anti-biotic, keep the water very clean, watch to see if he/she is eating. If they are not eating, its not a good sign, and it may be a matter of days or weeks.

I really hope I am wrong, and that it is something else your betta will rebound from it.

Good luck.


Large Fish
May 16, 2005

I just took a closer look at my betta and he seems to fit alot of the symptoms you just described! His body is swollen..I had originally thought he was overweight..but I dont remember him getting so fat so quickly. Also..I've noticed that his scales seem to be flaring or sticking out..which is strange. For instance, when he turns, I can actually see the scales sticking plates!

He does eat every now and then but his appetite isnt as it used to be.

You mentioned antibiotics...which kind did you use? Also..will it damage the biowheel and bio filter if I use antibiotics?

How does dropsey form? is it from bad water? I change the tank water once every week or 2 weeks so I'm sure its not from bad water..



Large Fish
May 16, 2005
well..based on research and the other advice..I'm 100% sure its Dropsey. The symptoms match the description of Dropsy completely.

Not sure if the thawed pea will do anything right now.

I'm attempting to feed him antibacterial food in addition to adding Kanamycin and epson salt to his talk. I'm hopeful but it might be too advanced to treat at this point..