betta sitting :)


Small Fish
Jul 31, 2003
Santa Barbara
I am going to be "betta sitting" for my mother in law's male betta "Angus". He adores her. What i'm worried about is she's going to Hawaii for a week, and I promised to care for him. Will he get depressed, or lonely when she goes? My husband was going to feed him in the morning, and I was going to come over late in the evening and give him a little bit to eat too. I guess my main question is should I bring him home with me? Or will that freak him out? Should I leave him in the empty house for a week? I have never had a betta before, and if anything happened to him, it would crush her.
Thanks for any info.:D

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i don't think he'd get depressed... but if you want, you can place a mirror by his tank for some time. it'll make him think another male is there, he'll flare and wriggle about, it's perfectly normal behavior. i wouldn't leave it there all the time though since he's the only betta there. maybe every other day, put the mirror up before your husband leaves and then take it down when you go over to visit. other than that, i think he should be fine. i have 19 myself, male and female.. i've learned they each have their own personalities, some can deal with being left alone for a long time while others prefer a lot of attention. good luck :)


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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my bettas seem to go about their day regaurdless of what im doing:D the mirror idea SerenityDisrupt mentioned sounds good too. bettas are different with each betta, but he should be okay spending some time alone, and seeing you and your husband should be good enough for him too:) good luck betta sitting:D


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Don't move Angus and don't overfeed him either. Just make sure he does not get too cold, and your feeding visits should be enough. The mirror beside the tank idea for flaring is good for his health, makes him act like a tuff guy.