betta story's

no pics right now...

We got a 29 gallon tank as a gift. I decided to put a betta in there. Then every time I went to almart or petsmart I started noticing the bettas and how sad they looked in thier little cups. Now I end up bringing a new guy home if I find only one on the shelf or find one that looks like he needs a little extra TLC. I have 4 all in thier own tanks. I know I will add more HEHE


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2004
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Lets see, i think i got into it when a friend and i (after watchen a movie at the theaters) randomly wanted to go to the pet store 4 stores down. So we and i saw the bettas and i was like dude lets get some, and he agreed lol. So the selection there was horrible so we decided to go to another pet store. We each got one and brought them home....Sadly in about 5 days my betta died...Time passed and during this time i did research on the bettas. As soon as i saw the crown tails i fell in love with its majestic style. I was also sick of my 1.5 gal plexi hex tank with no light, no filter, no nothin haha. So i decide to start on a "project" so i bought and built a 2.5 gal paradise for my betta. I was gonna first buy a regular comon betta (i thinkt he Veil tails) i totally forgot that my local pet store had a couple of em. They were a mess, looked stressed and everything. So now i had my guy for about 6 days, and he is as agressive and playful as ever.

here he is


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Well, I got started the Finding Nemo way! I always wanted to keep fish, but the wife was not into it.

After Finding Nemo, my wife, daughter and myself visited a fish store, saw a bunch of Siamese fighting fish in cups and bought a $20.00 'starter kit' - which was 1 cambodian VT betta (Robin), and a 1/2 gallon unlit, unheated, but covered marina tank with food and conditioner.

Well, little did my wife know she opened Pandora's box, cause I love fish! Anyway, I bought a 2.5 gal hex used from the bargain finder a week later, then a 3 gallon tank from a garage sale, then another, then another, till I had no less than 14 tank in operation!

Then, I met a local breeder and decided to try my hand at it. Now, 12 months later, I sold over 240 bettas, have 300 fry and 10 adult betta pairs.

Not to mention my 2 other active tropical tanks and 2 other inactive grow-out tanks.

I am literally surrounded by 100 jars, some with fish, some empty.

I plan on breeding a new batch every 3 months, trying to create a Palamino (marbled) line, a pure red CT line and a blue CT line.

I breed for fun and for pets, not for profit, which makes it easier to enjoy!



Superstar Fish
Aug 13, 2003
i've started keeping bettas 3 years ago, i don't really have a story but just thought that bettas were cool when i saw them at the petstore. but now i no longer keep bettas, maybe a 1 or 2 but not as much as i had before. community tanks is what i'm keeping right now.

Feb 22, 2003
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well lets see...I always saw them at Walmart and got really mad that they were kept in cups (wasn't into fish at this time) then I decided to get a 10g and had some platies and one betta, then I ended up with 1 in the 10g 2 in the 25g (betta barracks, that I got rid of cause it's mean to keep them in there...IMO) and 2 in their own fish bowls...Now I have 1 on the entertainment stand, 1 on the coffee table (centre piece) and 3 in the kitchen...they are supposed to be on top of my 65g but I had a leak and am waiting to get a diiferent lid before they go back up there.....I love bettas, not just cause they are beautiful but because each one has its own unique personality...

well letsee, where did this all start out...

ah yes, i remember it, about 2 years ago, just a few months after i joined mft, i got my first 2 bettas, a blue VT (called Indigo) and a red VT with green scales inbetween VT (looked like a pinapple but instead the yellow is red and brownish-black is green) (called Green Flash)

now, i noticed bettas for years but felt sorry for them all the time, until i just felt like getting them. i put them into thos dual hex things (stupid of me, but now i know size and stuff) etc etc etc, fast forward, got a bunch, was so ready to breed after half a year of studying up on betta breeding, but then i never did it, bettas started to slowly die off.

No pictures of Indigo or Green Flash since my laptop had to get wiped down, and the site that i had them on mysteriously disappeared, so no more pictures.

Now for the detailed story, or at least sorta detailed. After those two, I did plenty of research and stuff, so i got plenty more. Forgot the order i got them in, but it sorta went: Green Sunshine (chocolate VT with green specs), Splash of Fire (first female), Amethyst (purple double CT female), Sapphire (steel blue double CT female), Flippo (steel blue DT plakat), namless (or at least i forgot the name, green on the top, and a red bottom spear tail plakat), then i got some bettas from a breeder: Nightmare ( black melano), Twilight (steel blue female, Nightmare's sister, so she had black melano genes), Dyanze (cellophane single tail), Visidouble (cellophane DT), Salamandice (yellow salamander), and Jaune (yellow cambodia)

now, the remaining survivors are: Flippo, Splash of Fire, Jaune, and Sapphire, i dont know where Amythest went cause her 2 gallon container was moved alot..