betta stuck to intake...

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
yepp...he keeps getting stuck to the filter intake...
i had heard of it on the ' i watched out for it...

thing is...he's not bothered...
he does a quick 'dart' and he's off again...

it doesn't seem to cause him any stress...
'cos he makes his way back and does it again...

it really looks like he's doing it on purpose...
like the way he jumps into the current for a wheeeeeeeeeee... :)

are all bettas sensation seekers... :):)

or should i make a cover to keep him from harm...


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I would try and make a screen cover of some sort. Don't know bout bettas being natural thrill seekers.. I would be more concerned about the suction doing damage to his fins.


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Interesting. I had a molly who would do something similar except he didn't got for the intake. After I clean my tank I do a little extra filtering for the water and this molly would swim around the entire tank and then jump in the current of the input. He would stay there for a few seconds then get out, swim around the tank again and do the same thing. The only thing was that my other mollies didn't like it.

Maybe your betta just has an interesting personality that likes a little excitment. Just do what the others have said.

Sep 8, 2005
Take a piece of filter sponge or nylon pan scrubbies and rubber band around the intake tube. My guy is also a thrill seeker. He runs through the current too like a little kid. And yes they do have very distinct personalities!

Sep 16, 2005
you could try wrapping a bit of ladies' stocking around the intake... and maybe piling some rocks up around it so he can't get too close.

it doesn't surprise me that he's such a nutter... bettas are funny little creatures like that. there are six bettas living here right now, and alll of them have been known to swim through their outflow like a salmon going upstream to spawn. *laughingc just make sure he's not getting injured in the process.

another idea would be to get him a little (3-5 us gal) tank of his own... with a few cardinal tetras for wifey to enjoy ;)

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Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Maybe he's just having a little fun :p When I first put my betta into his 5 gallon he got stuck on the intake tube. Now he steers clear of it, but he does like to swim in the current. It must be fun because he does it all of the time. Either way, its still better than those tiny little cups they were in at the lfs:D

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
chears guys...i'm sure he's doing it for funn...
he keeps jumping into the current for a scoot too...

he has some personality...
i can feed him by hand...he's sharp as a pin...

he watches everything...
and wants to be involved in the action at all times...

when i water change...
he's right there on the end of the syphon hose... :)

i'm really impressed with his 'intelligence'...
he is way beyond just sentient... :):)