Betta tail regrowth


Small Fish
Dec 26, 2006
TX baby
So when i was doing a water change today on my 2 gal hex's i put both my male and female together in a bowl because im lazy and don't enjoy cleaning more than i have to. aside from that the female shredded my male's fins about 1/3 of the way up my question is how long should i expect before his fins grw back and will they be as beautifull as they were before


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
If you put some Melafix (bettafix) in the water, it'll help heal the fins faster... they regrow faster than you'd think.

Hopefully you've learned something about putting the two bettas together?

Apr 9, 2006
Yeah, I posted a thread similar to this a little while ago; it's in the Betta/Gourami Discussion if you look for it. It's called I think "Betta's tail not growing back". Anyway, everyone said that Melafix was the best way to get any regrowth, and that it does it quickly. They also warned that you must be careful with it's concentration. Apparently, the concentration of Melafix is much higher than that of Bettafix. The Melafix's high concentration of tea tree oil will actually burn the labirynth organ of the betta. Basically, don't waste your money on a teenie bottle of Bettafix, just buy Melafix and use much less of it than is prescribed so that in your water you end up with a lower concentration. If you look in my thread, there is an exact "recipe".

I just started treating my fish two days ago, so I'll see if his tail will grow back. His just mysteriously shredded by itself. Good luck!!:)


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
I had a similar problem with one of my old male bettas named "Gill" RIP :(

Anyway I used melafix, and it did clear up, however I do believe he attacked his own tail from time to time, as he would have shredded fins about twice a year, and never had tank mates...Go Figure.

Sep 6, 2006
NS, Canada
Yup, Melafix is the way to go. Doing a bunch of math with the dosage of BettaFix in a one gallon bowl and that Melafix is 5x stronger, I calculated that 10 drops of Melafix per one gallon is the recommended dosage for bettas. But be careful with it, some bettas are sensitive to Melafix, so if after a day your betta starts to act worse, cut back on the dosage a bit.


Large Fish
Dec 12, 2006
i have a pitbull of a female also, and she was in my comm. tank with other ladies and jacked them all up bad, and she likes to flair at me like yours. ive never used melafix tho on my male that eats his fins sometimes (the yellow one in my picture), and they grow back worse than before. however if i had used melafix, would his fins grow back to the same beauty, or does it just help them grow faster and doesnt affect the final looks?

Jan 5, 2007
is my betta shredding his own tail or is it the bully of my boyfriends fish, a red tailed black shark? as Oz keeps flaring at Bruce (the shark) and chasing him around the tank. Bruce was in the tank first and then we added Oz, and all was well but now Bruce has grown bigger than Oz and the problems regarding flaring and tail shredding has begun. Is my boyfriend secretly training his fish to attack mine?

Jan 27, 2007
Beware of Melafix

megskee333 said:
Yeah, I posted a thread similar to this a little while ago; it's in the Betta/Gourami Discussion if you look for it. It's called I think "Betta's tail not growing back". Anyway, everyone said that Melafix was the best way to get any regrowth, and that it does it quickly. They also warned that you must be careful with it's concentration. Apparently, the concentration of Melafix is much higher than that of Bettafix. The Melafix's high concentration of tea tree oil will actually burn the labirynth organ of the betta. Basically, don't waste your money on a teenie bottle of Bettafix, just buy Melafix and use much less of it than is prescribed so that in your water you end up with a lower concentration. If you look in my thread, there is an exact "recipe".

I just started treating my fish two days ago, so I'll see if his tail will grow back. His just mysteriously shredded by itself. Good luck!!:)

UGH. Melafix has been found to be highly dangerous to all labyrinth fish. Please read the warning at in the Betta section. It's stickied. Two Betta have died since I've been reading there because of Melafix!

Edited to say: I only read the first few lines before knee-jerk responding. I'm glad you're using a lower dose. I wouldn't trust it whatsoever but am relieved that you're aware of the danger.

Sep 6, 2006
NS, Canada
Really, all you have to do is cut back on the dosage of Melafix and it's fine. Some bettas are more sensitive. Most of the members at UltimateBettas use it on their tanks and they have no problems.

I've had a male betta who ate his tail a loooong while back, and it's only now starting to grow out. It doesn't look the same as the rest; same colour but it looks kind of crinkly.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
AesSedai said:
.....I wouldn't trust it whatsoever but am relieved that you're aware of the danger.
As Brinny-Chan said, if your aware of the dosage, and pay attention to your treated fish (Watch for signs that it's not liking the meds), you can have great success with Melafix