betta tank mates

Jul 15, 2003
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hey, i have a one gal tank for my betta. I am going to be upg to 3gal. What are some good tank mates? I was thinking about those little snails. Also, will bettas die if the temp is too cold? I know they are more likely to get sick but will they die because of the temp? My betta, I'm guessing, is a year old. I've read that they can live up to 2 years in poor conditions and 5 in good conditions. What exactly do i need for keeping my betta for the longest it can live? thanks

Jul 15, 2003
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I'm worried the betta will get lonely. I have plastic plants right now, but when I buy my 3gal I will probably buy some real plants, along with a couple dwarf frogs. I don't know anything about neon tetras, but would it be possible to keep 2 or three of them with my betta?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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OK, I have a couple 3gal tanks, you have a few options.

1 Betta with a couple african dwarf frogs. The don't move much, but they will be fine with a betta.

2. You can get a divider for the tank and get a 2nd betta male or a betta female.

Note, the female needs to be seperated from the male at all times unless you plan to breed about 200-300 babies! Both the males and females can jump over, you need to make sure the divider goes high enough to prevent jumping or has a plastic cover.

Yes, bettas will die if they get too cold. Below 65F will kill him fairly quickly.

Most petstore bettas live 1-2 years after you get them. Most are between 8months to over a year old in stores when you buy them. There are some stories of 3 to 4 year bettas, but that is rare.

To keep a betta long, you need to slighly UNDER feed him (too much food leads to higher metabolisim and more waste), keep his tank temp between 74F and 78F as much as possible, and have frequent water changes.

I would personally prefer to have 1 betta male in a 3gal with a nice slow filter, some floating live plants like hornwart or javamoss. Maybe a few taller low-light plants like javafern or watersprite.