Betta tank mates?


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
Would it be safe to put 3 bettas with 2 gal to 1.5 gal. and have 4 to 5 gallons for 2-3 guppies and 2-3 mollies and a few otos be ok in a ten gallon with dividers?

forgot to mention i plan to buy two new bettas next month meaning i don't have them yet same with the mollies,guppies and otos.

Last edited:
Sep 11, 2005
Dividers are more trouble than their worth in my they kind of look tacky and unnatural.

Personally when I want to keep several bettas, I get them each a small tank of their own.

My advice regarding a ten gallon tank would be to have one betta, and some other betta-friendly fish such as otos, corys, and (if the betta is mild-mannered) a small school of friendly tetras such as neons...or a school of harlequin rasboras or maybe white cloud minnows.

The variations are your choice, but the reasoning is this: some fish will harrass the betta and nip them into stress. These would include fiesty tetras such as black widows, serpaes and some others. Fiesty cyprinids like barbs and zebra danios will also nip at the betta.

Then there are the fish that even a mild mannered betta is likely to harrass such as the guppies and mollies. Whereas a mild-mannered betta will largely ignore the aforementioned schooling fish. He will almost definitely, regardless of temperment ignore the corys and otos.

Okay I'm sounding too disorganized here. I'll just summarize:

Nice betta can live with corys, otos, non-nippy tetras, harlequin rasboras and white cloud minnows.

Mean betta can live with corys and otos.

Really mean betta should be kept alone.

Shark Bite

Small Fish
Nov 4, 2006
i thought i made the mistake of putting my betta into a community tank. some types of fish wanted to 'play' with him. tiger barbs, and quite a large gourami espeacially. he soon sorted them out and earned his respect. now they all get along great. i also have guppies in the same tank, and they get along ok. sometimes the guppies harrass the betta. he just swims away and finds a nice quite spot to relax. guppies dont like to relax often, they are just crazy little buggers. Katome556 : do you mind if i ask what colour bettas you are thinking about ?


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
hmm,i think if anything goes wrong i'll just take my betta out of the ten gal and leave it to the guppies and platy i got a few days ago, and back in her 1.5, and my betta is a purpleish, red with light blue green fins,she's a female or so it seems the two i was looking at were males both of them blue in color with some other colors i haven't went to see them at the lfs in 3 days though so i kinda forgot their full colors, ones a crown tail and the other i think is a crown tail but is not listed as one ,they are both really beautiful boys that i'd like to get and get out of them small little ugly cups they are being housed in at my lfs.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I agree with echoo, dividers are more trouble than they are worth. I once had a 10 gal. divided in to three with a betta in each section ... they somehow found ways to get in to eachothers section, and if I wasnt there at those exact moments ... it would not have been pretty.

Anyway ... in my experience guppys and bettas DO NOT get along ... especially if you have fancy guppys with brightly colored tails.


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
=\ well every fish is diffrent , she may get along with them she may not it's gonna be a chance but i'm gonna heavly plant my tank when i get it and see what she does i think she'll be so excited in a bigger tank that she'd probly ignore the guppies and platy, she'd be like a little kid in a brand new candy store with a pocket full of quarters.XD i'll also keep a good eye on her and the guppies so nothing happends i'm usually up at 7:00am and i go to bed at around 4:00am some times, so i'm pretty sure i can keep a good eye on them for a few days.