Betta tank set up?

Hey, i was thinking about getting the marineland exclipse hex 5 fully intergrated aquarium kit. Good idea? not sure

i was thinking to put a female betta in it. but then i was thinking what else i could put in a 5 with one. anything?

if not. what would look cool in a 5 gal?

oh and can live rocks be put in a freshwater tank? is it beneficial?


Large Fish
Dec 25, 2007
WELCOME TO MFT! ahhhh, alright, here's what i would do if I were you....I got a betta as well....

If your really set on a betta I would grab a 10 gallon tank with filter, heater, and light included... a petsmart kind of store will carry one fursure...

then i would ovecoarse, cycle it and then add a FEMALE betta, along with non-finnipping fish....

Mar 29, 2008
or 5 more females, as long as you keep any eye on them the first couple hours and they arent fighting you are fine. A little fin nipping at first is normal, they are just setting up dominance.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
For the price of the hex you might want to get a 10g kit from Walmart or Petsmart instead. I wouldn't put neon tetras in a 5g hex because they are a schooling fish and are more comfortable in groups to school in and with a 5g tank a group of them would have you overstocked.

Some tankmates that you might want to look into that I can think of are otos, african dwarf frogs, adult shrimp (young ones will probably disappear), and cories.

I would strongly advise NOT to get a 5g hex. I have one. I hate it. :( I can't really see my fish properly cuz there are so many corners in the tank (6 instead of just 4.) Plus, it's so small that there's really not much you can stock it with. I used to have a betta (male or female, doesn't matter) in with two otos and sometimes a ghost shrimp.

Anyway, I'd definitely get something bigger. 10g is good but 20g would be even better if you can afford/have room for it. How many other tanks do you have?

(I got my 20g used for $50 plus a bunch of extra meds and stuff and my new 5g cost me about $30, on sale)

Mar 9, 2008
The 5gal Hex you could do small plants (that is if you don't have an under gravel filter) and shrimp w/ a male betta or 2 female bettas. I think low light plants with a few female bettas would look nice.