Betta tankmates in a 10

Sep 11, 2005
I had some neons in with my betta in a five gallon. He's sort of an aggressive betta, so he nipped them a bit. Nothing terrible, though I did decide to move them to my 55 amazon once it finished cycling. They look a lot happier without chunks taken from their tails. (I still have the corys and the oto in the 5g, and he does chase them here and there...he's an SOB haha) My other bettas don't even notice the otos in their tanks...not at all.

So I guess my advice is that it depends on the betta. Many bettas won't even notice that the other fish are there. Some bettas will attack a plastic plant. They're some funny fish. I'lltellyouhhwhhat.

Mar 24, 2006
I had my female Betta in with some Neons and Danios. At first she let them alone, but then she started to nip at the Neons tails. After the Neons she decided the Long-Fin Danios were her next target. None of the fish seemed to pick on her at all, but that's possibly because she has the smaller female tail. I believe my female is rather aggresive though, and is definately happier solitary. Like most of the replies here, it all seems to depend on the fish and their personality.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
I have 3 zebra danios in with mine in a 10g. He occasionally flares at them and chases them a few inches, but it seems to be just to have something to do... never acts the least bit serious about it.

I have read that harlequin rasboras would be good... peaceful, non-threatening, less active than danios, and also from the same area as bettas.

He totally ignores the two otos and the adf's, and only notices the ghost shrimp if they get in his face. One end of the tank is full of floating plants, which he goes into to just hang out frequently. Maybe that contributes to his mostly-mellow attitude toward the other fish.

Sep 16, 2005
i agree with the suggestions of razzies (slower moving, completely unaggressive), otos (unobtrusive, algae-eating, and cute), and cories (very much in their own world at the bottom of the tank).

whiteclouds are another nice danio alternative.

two or three kuhli loaches would probably work just fine. yoyos might be okay too, but they have a more aggressive reputation than the kuhlis, and eventually get bigger than the confines of a 10 would allow in the long run, even though they are slow growers.

a cherry barb will be a good addition 50-70% of the time (although we have come across one sweetheart and one real a-hole version of the species). they do not share the schooling needs of their other barb cousins, so it's perfectly acceptable to keep just one in the tank.

snails and shrimp are supposedly good tank friends too, if they are big enough to avoid being eaten. ;)