betta tankmates


Large Fish
Jul 22, 2003
Longmont, CP
I've always wanted to have a betta, and I did until there was a mishap in my dorm room and my bettas bowl got broken by a drunken friend. The betta was quickly rescued from the floor and placed in a cup of water that had already been treated since I was getting ready to clean his bowl. Alas, he never recovered and soon died. Since then I have ressurected my parents old ten gallon and it seems to be going well. I want to get another betta, but am unsure about whether it would be a wise choice. I have a ten gallon tank (which should be in my signature, that currently has eight neon tetras. For filtration is uses an AquaClear Mini that seems to be working quite well. Any advice would be great. I'm primarily worried about the neons nipping at the betta's fins.


Large Fish
Jul 22, 2003
Longmont, CP
Thanks revfred. I probably will go with some corys (always wanted to try them). A couple of the neons were nipping their fellow tankmate's fins but it stopped once I added a few more and once I isolated the offender in a large glass (with water from the tank of course) for a few hours. He tried again, and I immediatly put him back in the glass (after changing the water) and after a few more hours he didn't try fin nipping again. Seems he (or she, still not sure) got the message. Hopefully this approach will work if I add a betta.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Junkie, why don't you use the 1gal acrylic for a betta. I have seen a lot of happy bettas in their own 1 gal tanks. If it has an undergravel or some form of bubble filter, just somthing to keep the water moving (slow current), a betta would love it.

My bettas love their own tanks, even the females. No fighting, no nipping and easier to get the food distributed. Compared to a cup, your LFS betta would sure appreciate a gallon (or more) to himself.


Medium Fish
Jul 11, 2003
Pittsburgh, Pa
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I have a male betta, 2 silver lyre tail mollies, 2 high-fin black skirt tetras,and 4 asst platys in my 10g tank. I used to have neons but they died. The betta actually seemed to like them. although it depends on the betta cause mine wouldnt hurt a fry. lol Oh yeah i think bettas and shrimp can go together, especially ghost shrimp.


Large Fish
Jul 12, 2003
Evansville, Indiana
Sounds like a cool tank. Just don't put a Betta and a Dwarf Gourami together. I have already tried this, and I found out that the Betta thinks that the Gournami is another Betta. Don't try it.