Betta update


Small Fish
Apr 1, 2006
A lot of you know I was having trouble with my bettas because of some metals in the water that my water conditioner didn't cover. Well I wanted to let you know that the changes my water company suggested helped and my three bettas are now happy, healthy, and not dieing.

I put together a display of them on one of my shelves, and I'm hoping to get pictures for you guys to see. One of them is in a planted two gallon tank, and the other two are each in their own 1.5 gallon tanks. They look pretty, and I've got ivy growing around their tanks and little plushy amazon creatures around them (mostly to keep them from seeing each other and making themselves sick flaring.) It looks really good, and the bettas are happy.

I have however run into one problem with my blue betta Nero. I'm sure it's something simply that I'm missing. The betta is haivng to the bathroom. Frozen peas help to a certain extent but when he goes he poops balls not strands, and they're huge. I'd be very uncomfortable having those come out. :eek:

He also looks hugely fat in comparison to my other bettas and I know it's because everything is backing up in there. Any ideas on what to try besides peas? I'm afraid to feed him anything else in case he bursts.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Have you fasted him for a few days? I think I would... then do the peas again... while watching for any signs of illness just in case.
Maybe changing his diet would help. What do you feed him, when, how much? Same as your other bettas? Hmm.


Small Fish
Apr 1, 2006
Changing to a more specialized water conditioner GIS Guy

They get bloodworms and frozen food as an occasional treat, but usually flakes or pellets. The books I've read suggest a variety diet, so I try to switch between the two.