betta versus powerhead...

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
mmmmmmmmm...well i just added a betta male...
bought it for my wife who just loved him...
so now she has a fish of her own in the tank...
yehaaaaaaaa...i have a convert... :)

reading on the 'net i see that they like still water...
[bettas that is...not wifeys... :)]
as i have a powerhead in my 40[imp]...
i wonder will this stress him...

i have it blowing pretty hard...
in anticipation of the impending hatchet arrival...
do you all think my new addition will be happy...
or will i have to provide him with a shelter... :)

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
Chazwick said:
Bettas do not like a strong current, they are very weak swimmers, and giving them too much of a currents (unless you have a massive tank) is asking for trouble, even with one shelter, he will be stressed and worn out.
tank is 40gall[imp] ... 180 liters...
the powerhead is strong on the surface...
and only really on the right hand side...

lower stratas are fairly calm...
my platties 'hang' there...motionless...

i'll keep an eye on my new addition...
gotta keep him happy in his new home... :)

Betta's tend to hang out at the surface a lot of the time, they have a labyrinth lung which means they get most of their oxygen from the surface. If anything you want to make sure the surface is calm. Im my betta tank my filter dumps straight down through a defuser to not stir up too much current.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
It may take him a little while to build up his swimming muscles if he was previously kept in a cup. Bettas can do very well in larger tanks once they get in shape. You may want to turn off or divert the powerhead for a little while and increase the betta's exposure to it gradually. He should be fine and if he isn't, you have an excuse for a nice little tank on the side..... ;)

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
chears far so good...
my new guy seems happy enough...
there are some calm surface spots...
and he gets his air there...

he's keen to go with the flow...
every now and then he jumps into the current...
and 'free falls' to the other side of the tank...
he seems real happy to do this...
it's on purpose for sure...

when i put him in at first he went into macho mode...
raising his gill covers and being quite agressive...
he calmed down soon he's chilled and happy...

one more thing about him...
he's introduced me to the joys...
of frozen bloodworms...yikes... :)

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
JWright said:
Every betta I've ever owned has loved to play in currents. I have no idea why...

I ahve a 40g setup with a lot of movement from my cannister on one side, and very calm water on the other side. I've had 2 different bettas in that tank,and they've both loved to play in the filter outflow.

~JW guy loves the filter jet...sensation seeker... :)