betta water levels?


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
um I don't know about parameters I just set it up and put in a Betta Bowl buddy tab to declorinate the water and waited about 20 minutes and put my betta in. All is well.
With the filter I don't have to clean it as much and the heater is at a nice 80 degrees.

Here is my flipper in his tank,


Last edited:
Sep 16, 2005
bettas are adaptable; pretty unparticular about water parameters like pH, hardness, etc. i have some bettas in peat-enriched conditions, and others in straight dechlorinated 7.8 tapwater.

their natural habitat contains soft, acidic water, which is definitely preferred if possible.

other than that... just make sure to keep up with water changes, because if it's let go too long, they get very susceptible to fin rot.