betta with a spot

My betta in my community tank (mimi) has a spot on his side, near his tail. I just noticed it today. I'm worried cause every thread I see pertaining to these spots...the betta dies within 2 or 3 days of the owner finding the spot. Has anyone successfully saved a betta with one of these. Do i need to treat the whole 29 gallon tank, or can i just take him out and treat him in another tank?

I've got bettafix and Jungle's Fungus-clear. Which one should I use? How long should I treat. Can I dip him and then put him back in the tank, or does he need to stay in the med tank the whole time?

I will try to get a pic of the spot this afternoon.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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My Rigel (blue betta like yours) has a simular bump - had it for about 6 months now. I am not sure if it's a bent spine - genetic likely.

I would not use an anti-botic or anti-fungus unless there was visible infection or fungus growth coming from that area.

A lot of bettas have similar bumps - I have seen them in quite a few stores. Likely it is a breeding (or in-breeding) trait.

Is he still moving around & eating - if so, don't worry about it till his behaviour changes.

Just a note... your signature shows a Betta and Drawrf Gourami in the same tank - it is generally regarded that these cousin species do not mix well. A lot of people have lost a good betta or gourami due to territory fighting when mixing them in the same tank. It often happens when the owner is out or asleep. Maybe Mimi can use the 5 gal and have his own space an no worries about fighting with Sir John? (The older they get, the more likely they will fight)

i know ALLLLLLLL about the "gouramis and bettas dont' get along"...every time I post i get told by someone. really, honestly, the betta and the gourami get along fine...infact the gourami is right now forlornly searching the tank for Mimi (i've got him in a half gallon contianer right now while i set up the 5 gallon). Mimi is really laid back, and doesn't get riled over anything.

He's eating and moving, so I guess he's ok...i'm just shocked, it was not there i guess it could be from a fight with Sir John over the night (i've just seen NO aggression b4 this...and I watch at night after the lights go out) I'll move him to the 5 gallon to be safe. I've just got to do some decor changing and warm up the water.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Ya, I imagine a lot of people point out the gourami/betta incompatibility. I saw it on your signature on another thread earlier but decided not to comment till you posted this message.

I am not apologizing, its like putting a goldfish in a 5 gallon tank... your asking for someone to comment on it right? Heck, I have a few goldfish in a 50 gallon tank and I get the occassional comment now and then.

If your fish get along (now), so be it. Circumstances are different for everyone, but again.... things change ;)


Medium Fish
May 20, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
I was going to make the same comment about the gourami and the betta, but only because I knew someone who had the same mix, and they got along great for five months, then suddenly my friend woke up one morning to find both badly injured, and the betta finally died from the injuries inflected.

I hope though, that neither of yours have this happen. And as for the spot; I have seen a few of these also on bettas in a couple LFS. I can't say whether it's a problem or not, but if your fish is still swimming about, eating, and acting healthy, I'd not worry about it too much. :)

Thanks guys! I got Mimi into the 5 gallon last night. I sheepishly admit that I think the 2 of them had started fighting. Ahhhhh the bliss never lasts LOL So at least I seem to have caught it early. Mimi's got some torn fins, that were not as apparent earlier in the day. He's pretty happy in the five gallon.

For the torn fins, should I dose the tank with Bettafix and take out the carbon? Or only treat them if he starts to act different?


Medium Fish
May 20, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
I was going to say you could add Bettafix (or salt), but since I have heard some people's bettas react poorly to it (and Melafix), I'd only dose at half the recommended amount.

I am glad (though not that they fought) to hear your betta and gourami will now have to "admire" each other from a distance. ;) I can only imagine how happy Mimi must be in five gallons of his very own! Such a spoiled little fishie. :)

ya, he's really happy...king of the tank! :D plus, my other betta in a 5 is right next to him, so they get to show off to each other. I'll probably put a couple otos in there with him, just cause i've got a bit of algae.

I'm almost 100% sure they fought now...after just an afternoon in the salt bath, the spot is lighter, and he's looking more perky.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Cough... cough... (just choaking back the told-ya-so comment)! had an interesting article on Salt, although they still reccomend it. I stopped using salt about 6 months ago on my freshwater tanks (except my golds - who need some for gill function) and I have had no fin-rot or other ilnesses. Just plain old treated tap water for my 240 bettas (I just recently sold 140 females)

Bettafix/Melafix seems well documented that it can promote fin-growth, but thats about all. Real fin-rot or other infections are usually not typically cured by either of those remedies. Kanacyn seems really affective for bacteria/rot, and I use Jungle Anti-Fungus should any cotton fungus (mouth/gill/body) appear.

I think a 5gal tank is ideal for a betta, even with an otto or two. They like to be king of the tank.

OH JUST SAY IT!! LOL I know, I know...but at least I was watching and I caught it at this stage and not when they had a knock down drag out...this was just sparring. I am now on the "gouramis and bettas don't get along" bandwagon...move over so I can sit down ;)

Part of the reason why i use salt, and am quick to use it is the amount if icky bad things that are just in our water. We've had some pretty scary contamination from gas well drilling. Things like benzine, and other methyl-ethyl bad things have gotten in our drinking water...we've been told not to drink it without filtering it first...but i've gotta use it for my i treat it any way that I can without making chemical soup. Salt is one of the things that the mining companies has recommneded be used in our water to help treat it. (they clean thier equipment with salinated water) So I use light salt all the time, even with my cories....and all seem in GREAT health.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Theres plenty of room on this wagon! Glad your aboard.

From what I have researched, a little bit of salt will not do any harm to most freshwater fish, as long as it does not build-up in the water. Salt will not evaporate like other elements, so only replace what you take-out during water changes (ie: only salt the incomming water to the correct ratio).

I am sure you know this twoluvcats, just for any other new people who might read this thread.