Betta with an attitude


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
Near My Coffee!
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We purchased a betta from the pet store a week ago. We decided to get a 10 gal aquarium for him and Tetras. He has been in the aquar. for a week alone and last night we added the Tetras which we thought would be fine based on research. Wrong answer! He nips at them, pushes them out of the way if they come over to me by the tank, nips at them if they try to eat and is just an over all bully. With all the reading I have done I thought Betta's and Tetra's got along. Anyone else have a bully like this?


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
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I don't understand it either. He is very attached to me. When I feed him he races up and flips out of the water then comes over and hugs the side of the tank! We thought he might enjoy the company but he doesn't. Feeding time is a real problem. The other fish will not come around where he is. He doesn't eat their flakes, just guards them. I may have to put him in a bowl. I don't want to as I love to watch him swim and he is so pretty under the lights. May have to get a divider for the tank if he doesn't stop.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I would try removing him from the 10gal for a few days, then re-introduce him to the tank. Because he was there first, he is simply defending his turf. Sometimes this works, sometimes it will not. Some people suggest re-arranging the tank ornaments before bringing him back, but I don't believe that is necessary.

Failing that you can:
1. Return the betta :(
2. Get the betta a nice 2 to 5 gallon tank for himself (not a bowl). My divided bettas swim a lot and are quite happy. I like the bio-wheel systems myself.


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
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Betta Has To Go

He just killed one of the Neon Tetras. The poor little guy is in two pieces!! I have water in the fish bucket getting to room temp so I can switch him out. I just don't understand him at all. Goes against everything I read about Tetras and Bettas for sure. So he will now be back in his 2 gal bowl with a lid so the cat won't have him for lunch. :mad:


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Sorry about your tetra. Bettas are predators, and people sometime forget that fact. Usually neon tetras and bettas mix well, most people have done it, but its not the betta's fault, its his nature.

If you can add a sponge bubble filter to get some water movement in the bowl, it will help with his activity level. Betta's do use their gills and more oxygen in the water will give him more energy.


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
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Does anyone know of an online store to buy a betta barracks? We have been to very pet store in town and no one has them. They are boxes that hang over the edge of a large tank and the betta stays in the box but can't get to the other fish. He killed another one so he is back in the bowl.


Medium Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Houston, Texas
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I had the reverse problem. The other day i bought 2 tetra serpae's. They did fine the first day, then the next day they wouldnt leave poor LOUIE (my betta) alone. They kept nipping at his fins...poor thing. Soooo i took the 2 tetras back....well i tried....they died half way too the store. I guess the stress of me trying to net them out must have killed them. Anyways, i got 3 glowlite tetras.....everyone seems to be getting along just fine.
Only thing that bothers me is that LOUIE eats the fishes flakes, is that good for him? Also, i put a lil coral bubble maker and LOUIE seems to like it.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Fish flakes are better for Louie than bits/pellets - general speaking. Make sure there is a lot of fish meal and meat in the pellets, and not a lot of grains.

crazy_cat, just keep him in the bowl. He just needs a gallon or so and he will be happy. Add a floating live plant, maybe a bubble filter, that should do it! barracks that hang off tanks with suction cups have been known to slip down and let them loose.


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
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Yeah Waldo likes the flakes also...well sort of. When he was in the tank he would gather all he could and then go to his corner and spit them out so the other couldn't get them! He digs holes in the rocks, is this normal? He puts his little belly on the rocks and moves back and forth till he makes a hole and that is where he would put the dead fish. I really like him and hate he can't get along with the other fish. When I would put my hand in the tank to get the dead fish he would come over and sit on my hand. We had a little trick we did while he was in the tank. I would hold my finger over the tank and move it in a circle. He would then go to the bottom and swim up as fast as he could and jump out of the water over my finger and back down. I paid extra attention to him incase it was an attention thing but as soon as you leave the tank he gets grumpy. I think we are going to get a 5 gal hex tank with a top filter for him today. Our water is somewhat hard and he had a ruff time even with the chemicals in the bowl. He did fine in the tank with the filters. I just want the little guy to be happy. He loves our cat. She sits by his bowl and he comes over and swims around and follows her nose. That is another reason we need the tank. I have a top on the bowl with holes in it for air but I need something a bit more secure if ya know what I mean. He seemed very depressed today after being in the bowl last night. He wouldn't eat this morning. The 5 gal hex will be on our speaker by the 20 gal we are getting that will have Oscars and such in it so he can see other fish but won't be with them. The other fish are much happier now that he is out. They swim all over the tank instead of hiding.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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A 5gal would give both you and him tons of room to play. Putting it next to the bigger tank is also a nice idea. My 3 betta tanks are side by side.

Papillon has her betta Lancelot in a 12 gallon eclipse, creme de la creme castle fo a betta! I am after those 6gal eclipse tanks myself, just to reduce water changes and get rid of all the undergravel and bubble filters I have.


Medium Fish
Aug 7, 2003
Near My Coffee!
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Well Waldo is in his new home. He seems very happy. We got the 5 gal hex tank with the bio wheel filter. Love that filter! Should have the 20 gal set up this weekend so he will have close friends.

The guys in the 10 gal are happy as well. There are seven of them left now. Guess I need to make a run to the pet store and get some more fish for the 10 gal now that Waldo is out. :D :)