Betta wont eat!

Sep 4, 2005
ive been feeding my betta "bettamin tropical medley". He used to love the stuff, eating 4 or 5 flakes twice a day, but for the past week he barely eats, maybe 2-3 flakes a day. I never feed him on Sunday to help clear his system, but why would he suddenly stop eating as much, or is 2-3 flakes a day (they are small flakes) a usual healthy amount :confused:

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Bettas like a variety, try blood worms, daphina, crush krill, brine shrimp etc. Check the water temp make sure it is like 75-80 degrees. Maybe go with Bio-Gold Betta pellets by Hiarki instead of flakes. You can give Sushi also a frozen pea, thawed and give him a few pieces once a week to help clean his system. My UB looks forward to his Monday pea ignoring his carnivorous tummy. (-: