bettas and neon tetras?

Mar 30, 2005
quebec, canada
Wow am i stumped on what to put into my tank i have a 10 gallon tank and want color and life put into it asap. I currently have a betta in a fish bowl suited for bettas and he is doing just fine but i never thought that a betta could be put in with neon this even true? if so does the sex of the betta matter? and how would one distinguish the difference between a male and female betta? also how long would i have to let my filter run in my tank before adding any fish?
fish illiterate


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
Visit site
The finnage of the male betta is unmistakeable in comparison to the female betta. Also, it depends on the betta as to whether or not it will get along with neons. Then again the neons may nip at the bettas fins.

As to when you can add fish ... read the threads on cycling ... make sure your tank is fully cycled ... or for sure you will lose the neons.

Mar 30, 2005
quebec, canada
i have read many things on cycling and heard many references to this safe, how does it work? and is it expensive? With the betta i have now ive never done anything to his water, i just ran the tap add chlor-out and transferred the fish, he has this done to him about once a week and has been alive almost 1 year and a half now and no problems...if the neons nip at the betta, will they need to be removed?


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
Visit site
Bio-spira does work. It is rather pricey ... $9-11US for the smallest size. Yes, Bettas will do OK without cycling usually. But the neons won't usually. They are rather fragile. You will likely have to cycle your 10G before adding fish safely, or get some Bio-Spira ... fish can be added within 24 hours.

Re: the fin nipping ... Now think about it from the bettas point of view ... if you were a betta and some little rascals were nipping your fins, wouldn't you hope someone would move you or the others somewhere else?