Bettas and Neon tetras?


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
Do they get along in the same tank? I have an established tetra tank that is heavily planted and was wondering if I should put my betta in there instead of by itself in another tank.

I'm worried that the tetras might nip at the betta's fins and tail...


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Neon tetras are pretty docile and non-nippy... I'd be more worried about aggression the other way. What size tank is it? It mostly depends on the betta... some get along with other fish and some don't.

Sep 10, 2004
Visit site
I agree with Zman16 about not having enough room. In our household we do have one male betta in a 10 gal community tank with 3 neon tetras and 2 glow light tetras and one zebra danio. The betta was very docile and rarely chased the other fish. In fact, it was usually the "leader" neon tetra that would chase the betta fish in the tank. Bottom line, it does work but depends on the betta. I have a wile betta splenden that hates all fish. Currently I am medicating one male betta fish so I had to put the wild in the 10 gal community tank. He chases all the tetras including the danio. He is very agressive, especially when the light is on. As soon as the hurt betta fish is healed, he will move back to his original 10 gal tank and the wild will return to his five gal tank. Good luck. :)