In a 10g, you could easily keep a betta and a couple of African Dwarf frogs as well as a few small and peaceful tetras such as neons or glowlights. I keep a betta in a 10g with pygmy cories, ADF's and some ghost shrimp (my betta doesnt bother the shrimp, but its heavily planted with a lot of hiding spaces). You can also keep a betta with harlequin rasboras. Maybe even 3 or 4 regular sized cories. Of course, I don't mean all of those'd have to pick and choose.
This all is somewhat dependant on the attitude of your betta. Some tolerate many other fish and critters perfectly...others won't accept a snail being in their tank. It is kind of trial and error. So, if you do decide to add something, add it on a day when you can be home to monitor what happens - and have a backup plan (like taking the fish back the LFS) if it seems as though your betta is going to cause serious harm to them.