bettas and tank sizes

Mar 14, 2004
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when i got my betta i read alot about how too much space could be stressful on them but ive been reading alot of posts saying their bettas are in like 5 gal or more tanks thus im a little confused how big or small is too big or small or a tank for a betta mine is in a 1gal and seems happy im just asking cuz my friends consider me the one to ask for fish help sometimes i need help myself


Superstar Fish
Aug 13, 2003
bettas... can be in tanks from anywhere from 3/4 of a gallon to 5g. to me i think 1g is enuff but for some reason not enuff in my mind. right now my cambodian BF/VT is in a 3g eclipse tank with an oto :) he's happy

If you're keeping him alone, 5g or less is perfect for a betta. I have one in a 2 1/2g and he's perfectly happy.

If you're keeping him in a community tank, it depends on the tank mates. I have one betta in a 29g with my guppies. He keeps the guppy population down, and seems just fine. Just make sure you have a few floating plants/leaves as bettas seek cover near the surface and like a place to hide when necessary.


Small Fish
Mar 3, 2004
Princeton, NJ
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Flying Horses,
Could you tell me where you've read that too much space could be stressful on a betta? I've read just the opposite. On some websites, people say to never put a betta in a tank less than 5 gallons. One of my books recommends nothing less than 10 gallons. But here, I've noticed people keep a betta in tanks as small as 1 gallon. So, I feel confused as well.

I'm preparing a 6-gallon tank for a single betta. I plan to have it well planted and with hiding places made from wood and ceramic. I've been thinking of having cories as tank buddies but haven't decided. I may go with an African dwarf frog instead.

At any rate, is a 6-gallon too much room for a single betta??


Mar 14, 2004
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i am trying to find the sites that told me this about the stress thing

it was because of their normal habitat being puddles where they originate and them being territorial so they would stress them selves out trying to protect their territory

my current betta is my first but i bought two one for me and another for my college roomie so they are each in a one gallon tank

my personal oppinion is that about 1 - 3 gal is good for a betta 6 might b a bit much but alot of others on this site seem to have success with is so i guess it works

i do notice that my fish seems to be "happy" with his one gallon tank