bettas/ breeding?

Jan 8, 2008
Looking for imformations on the best way to breed a betta. I have both a male and female but have yet to breed them . I have the male in a 10 gallon and the female in a bowl inside the 10 gallon. I see scummy stuff on the water of the 10 gallon all the time but so far nothing help!!!!:confused:

Jan 8, 2008
piranhas- eating habits

My husband has been raising a piranha for over a year. It's approx. 7-8 inches long. For several months now my husband has been complaining about "Henry" ( his piranha) eating habits. He will put in 5 or more goldfish at a time and Henry will kill them but not eat them. He looks very healthy so I'm not sure what the problems is but my husband is very concerned and can't find any information on why he is doing this and all the fish stores in this valley don't know much about them either. Can someone help. The location of the piranha is in a spare bedroom and the only one that every is in there is my husband.

Well, I have never bred bettas before, but my female and male have had eggs and stuff. The male will build a bubble nest somewhere where there is little current. Mine does it by a plant so the bubbles stay. Then the female comes over and lays the eggs. The male will flip her upside down and squeeze out some eggs. The eggs float around. He then collects the eggs in his mouth and attaches them to the bubble nest. The female floats for a bit (she looks dead) but then swims back to the male and they start over. I have watched them once, and they did this about ten times in a row. The next day, the eggs would be all gone because someone ate them. If you have the male in a tank with no other fish, then the eggs should be ok. You have to take the female out after spawning or else she will try to eat the eggs. Hope this helps.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Bettas can be tough to breed. It requires time to condition the bettas in two seperate tanks out of sight of eachother with lots of meaty foods until the female is showing vertical bars on her sides, but you can do lots of reading up on this.

As far as your piranha, feeder fish isn't really a healthy diet for the fish. Is he eating anything at all? You really need to do some web research before taking on a hard to care for fish like that.


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
bettas produce hundreds of eggs...and in the end it will be very difficult to sell them since there are so many our there and for such a cheap price, if these are ordinary bettas, I personally wouldnt even wont make any profit and may end up with a lot of males to give away and keep separate from each other in the mean time