Betta's bubblenest


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Hey ya'll,

My Betta Billy, who sits on my desk at work in a 6 liter tank, doesn't seem to be able to make much of a nest. He had a small one Monday morning but since then there's just a bunch of scattered bubbles everywhere but no nest. He's relatively new to our office, 2 weeks, so maybe he's just not settled in yet? He replaced the previous Billy, RIP, who was a nest making machine.

Will he get any better at it or do some betta's just not make very good nests?

some bettas build them all the time, some never will...its a personality thing with the betta usually.

I've had bettas that would daily FILL the top of the tank with a bubblenest, and ones that have never even bothered to try.

But at the same time it is used as an illness indicator...meaning, if you have a betta that normally builds bubblenests and suddenly stops, it can be an indicator that something is amiss.


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Well, he makes bubbles...they just aren't connected. They're scattered all over the place. Maybe he's just a slob? lol

Checked water stats today and everythings that should be zero is. I'll keep an eye on him for any signs of distress but I'm guessing he might be too old to be interested anymore. (do they make fishy viagra? ;) )