bettas in a community tank?


Small Fish
Apr 26, 2005
the big D (dallas, tx)
i once had a betta in with some tetras and 2 bigger fish (it was back in the day when daddy did it all and i looked at the cute fish), and i have herd they are fine in a community tank, but i am skeptical. My mother has agreed to let me put my tank in the dinning room as long as all the fish are "beautiful" and approved by her (basically it needs to compliment the room, which in my opinion shouldnt b hard bc we have 2 parrots in their already, its a mess lol) so ANYWAYS she decided that she loves male goupies, we now have 3 and she wants a betta with them. i just dunno wut to tell her. i hear yesses and nos. i dont mind trying it and removing him if there is a problem, just lemme know.


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2004
Visit site
Yeah, guppys are a fish that normally one would under no circumstance mix with Bettas. Anything can work possibly, but any fish that resembles a betta is in some way fair game. The more flowing the finnage, the more likely the Betta will see it as a rival. Although female bettas should be fine and they can have very nice color, if not the finnage. The can be harder to find.


Small Fish
May 5, 2005
Nashville Area
I currently Have a wude variety of fish(platies, mollies, a pleco, a fiddler crab, Neon Dwarf Rainbows, and a Beautiful blue male betta). My betta was happy until I added the 2 Rainbows, and I figured out its due to their color. My blue betta hates the blue coloration of the rainbows. As odd as it may sound I would choose a color of betta that resembles nothing like your guppies. Also, give a little time, after one to two weeks, My betta finally realised the rainbows were not going anywhere and got over it. Occasionally, he'll chase them but nothing like before. It's actually nice to see him display his fins.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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bettas can eat flake food, but some don't. going back to your first question- bettas can sometimes be in a community tank with the right fish, but it's not wise to do without a backup plan- i. e. another tank to house the betta if things go the wrong way- as for the diet, if your betta won't eat flake food you can feed both flake and pellets- it's not going to hurt the other fish to eat the pellets. Also I woudl supplement their diet with food that all of the fish will like such as frozen bloodworms, etc.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
As others have said, if the male doesn't work, try a female. They have the same colors as males.

A male dwarf gourami is nice and colorful as an alternative, too.


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
Just wanted to add my experience with a betta in a community tank. I was just starting off a 10 gallon and had a school of zebra danios, a pleco, and an albino red-tailed shark. My wife decided she wanted a fish of her own and brought home a betta without asking, so we tried it in the community tank. The betta didn't care about much, but absolutely hated the red-tailed shark. We put him on 'time-out' in a 1 gal for a couple weeks and re-introduced him to the 10 gal. Everything was fine then. Occassionally, he would go after the red-tailed shark, but not very often after the first 'time out'.


Large Fish
May 9, 2005
West Haven, CT
my betta is the first one at the top to feed, so I drop the bite right above his head when I do that...but he then goes and easts everything else that everyone else is eating= blood worms, algae tabs, flake food. Either that or the flakes I use are actually discs and red is for meat, I believe, so I drop one of those over his head.

You just have to make sure the betta gets meat, it is a carnivore, there are many sources.

seems like you've heard the general opinion on guppies! Female betta would probably be really cool, slightly unfamiliar, and attractive!