Bettas in community tank

Jun 28, 2003
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I know that male bettas can sometimes live in community tank (but are best alone), but i wondered about the females. Are they better in community than the males or are they just as agressive?

yes, i semi-agree with ashleigh. normally, you can place a small school of the girls. although one will become dominante female and may occasionally show off her power. sometimes, its best not to add girls togather at all, but i guess it you reall must, you could. they can be just as aggressive, and they dont always like community tanks. they do, however, need more space than the males do it kept along...

Jun 28, 2003
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Thanks for clearing that up for me, i think i'll put off getting a female until i've got more than enough space for her.

On a different note - I've been looking on alot of betta website recently (after the betta web site post!) and i haven't seen any other prple bettas like mine (he has red and blue bottom fin and the rest of him is purple - see avatar).

Is purple generally not that common? And would i get purple fry if he bred?

Well, purple is not all that generally common bred with breeders. i guess they yet havent established a good pure purple betta yet! but at the pet store, it is no that common yet not that uncommon also.

since you said he was a pet store betta, breeding him with another purple pet store betta, the young may not end up being purple. they could be green, blue, red, yellow, orange, whatever. this is because pet store bettas, since htey were shipped to the petstore, there is no way of knowning which genes they hold. I currently have a female purple betta with red fins, i just need to find her a purple male with red fins, then they can breed. she is already collecting eggs...


Jun 28, 2003
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I guess he was just a 'mongrel' betta, a little bit of everything. I was quite pleased when i got him because i couldn't decide if i wanted a red one or a blue one, then there was this purple one, the perfect compromise!

Your female is really pretty, I know i'll end up with one before long, even if i have to go out an buy another tank!

There is a really wide selection of betta colours in the pet shops near me. There are at least 5 lfs and 2 pet superstores that i know of within 15 minutes drive of my house, so finding the perfect little femals shouldn't be too hard when i decide to get one!

Good luck with finding your purple/red male :)

Mar 11, 2003
I keep around 8 females in a 10 gallon sometimes for a community tank and usually they get along just fine. Right now I have 3 in a 20 gallon along with 2 white clouds, 2 blue danios, 2 yellow danios, 1 zebra danio, and 3 albino corys. Alls going well and there aren't any fights.

However, I have had a problem with female aggression before. I recently had an opaque female kill my big royal blue male in a few hours. She got his fins down to NOTHING and he was just a body. Yet, she had no bites in her. So just becareful, and intorduce them all at the same time if you are going to keep them together.

On the purple color note: Purple is just the right mix between red and blue. Breeders have spent years and years trying to seperate red and blue so the blues and reds are pure strains, so they don't want to mix them to get purples. The purples may not even breed true since they are a mix of these too colors and can have varying amounts of red and blue and the bettas won't look purple with out the right proportions of each irridescence. Perhaps a new way to create a purple line is through mustard gas colored bettas because I don't believe they are a red/blue mix.


Jun 28, 2003
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looks like you've got alot of hard work ahead of you theeyrietrainer, i dread to think how many jars you're going to need before the end of all your spawns.
I hope they go well for you (i'm secretly jealous!! :))

Jun 28, 2003
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I would have gladly had some little bettas off you, but that trip across the ocean is a killer! (not so secretly jealous you live in Canada :) :))

But don't worry, i read my horoscope today and i forsee (sp?) fry in my future!
The future futures bright, the futures betta!

oh, great snap shot! igor seems to be the kinds that have that redish purple body, but irridescent scales that make him more blue in flash pictures! he truely is GORGEOUS! not to send you my purple female across the ocean...well i love living in canada, the nice CRISP cold winter, the OMG IM GOING TO FREEZE TO DEATH feeling every morning as you get out of your nice cozy and warm bed, ah, life is great here in canada, aint that right mcshell? how is it on the other side of canada?

Jun 28, 2003
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Yeah igor does look more blue on the pictures, he's not actually that good looking in real life ;). Went to the lfs i got him from yesterday, i think they had some of his brothers, now they were truely gorgeous. I think i got the stunted one!

It may be cold in canada but look at the scenery you've got, mountians, snow, stuff etc, green open space is hard to come by around here.
A temporate climate has it's cons, it's known as 'guess the weather today', could rain, could be sunny, could snow, could be gale force winds. They say variety is the spice of life! :)

well actually, where mcshell lives, she wouldnt be in the mountains. she'd be in a place that is VERY populated, snow, yes, green space, not so much, since vancouver is quite large, she'll have to drive far away from the city to find it. though where i live, green space is too much! not a single mountain here. theres not much snow here compared to vancouver, but its a living. theres too much green space, you can stain the place red and people would find out!

Jun 28, 2003
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Yeah you see i'm especially jealous of mcshell as my all time favourite show in thw world Stargate SG-1 is filmed in Vancouver BC (at Bridge studios). What i wouldn't give to trade places with her so i can watch them film. I've seen alot of thew locations in vancouver from wathcing the show, even tho it's populated there are still some really pretty places nearby, alot nicer than round here (Birmingham UK).

Jealous, jealous, jealous!!! :) :) :)