OK I am tired of flushing dead fish.
I just killed my second betta, and fourth white cloud. I am officially ending my attempts to get a betta and white clouds to cohabit in my 2 gal. A couple people out there claim that they did this successfully, but I am unable to replicate their sucess and I don't believe in third time being the charm. Besides white clouds are nice enough but do not compare to a nicely colored betta IMO.
Anyway, I believe a number of people here have kept bettas in 1 or 2 gal tanks with some type of filtration. Can you folks kindly tell me about your water changes? Some sources indicate partial changes are fine for this type of set up, others indicate you can't keep a 2 gal stable and must do 100% water changes, so I am confused (I thought 100% changes were stressful). I was doing 25% a week and thought that was OK. I tested for ammo once or twice a week and it was always zero (when I tested at least). When I get my next betta I intend to keep him in the Explorer again with only one or two ghost shrimp for tank mates this time.
Thanks for your help.
I just killed my second betta, and fourth white cloud. I am officially ending my attempts to get a betta and white clouds to cohabit in my 2 gal. A couple people out there claim that they did this successfully, but I am unable to replicate their sucess and I don't believe in third time being the charm. Besides white clouds are nice enough but do not compare to a nicely colored betta IMO.
Anyway, I believe a number of people here have kept bettas in 1 or 2 gal tanks with some type of filtration. Can you folks kindly tell me about your water changes? Some sources indicate partial changes are fine for this type of set up, others indicate you can't keep a 2 gal stable and must do 100% water changes, so I am confused (I thought 100% changes were stressful). I was doing 25% a week and thought that was OK. I tested for ammo once or twice a week and it was always zero (when I tested at least). When I get my next betta I intend to keep him in the Explorer again with only one or two ghost shrimp for tank mates this time.
Thanks for your help.