Bettas M and F


Medium Fish
Mar 14, 2004
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Hello everyone... I haven't been here for so long.. kind of dumped off the fish thing for awhile. I have growen in my fish world though and I am not taking the plunge to spawning!! Yup.. just put the female into the tank with male today, under a glass dome for now.. They are just getting to know each other hehe.. I had her in her little tank by him for 2 days prior to doing this transition. So.. so far so good. Although, the male isn't building a nest or anything just yet.. I am not freaked I don't think, the week is young hehe.

Another Question: When I purchased my two females together out of the same tank, brought them both home and put them in the same tank. The RED one took dominance right away in the tank.. So. I have taken the one out and put him in our 25 gallon community tank here.. So far she is doing nothing but hiding.. and I mean hiding.. .Is this normal.? She did come out to eat her blood worms though, so that made me happy.. But it seems like she may not want to be in this tank at all... seemed very freaked out and timid towards to whole tank atmosphere...

Thanks for listening and hope to hear from some of you soon..


Medium Fish
Mar 14, 2004
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He has started to build his bubble nest now. hehe... Just thought I would add this to my post... *twirlysmi

Odiee_Garf said:

Hello everyone... I haven't been here for so long.. kind of dumped off the fish thing for awhile. I have growen in my fish world though and I am not taking the plunge to spawning!! Yup.. just put the female into the tank with male today, under a glass dome for now.. They are just getting to know each other hehe.. I had her in her little tank by him for 2 days prior to doing this transition. So.. so far so good. Although, the male isn't building a nest or anything just yet.. I am not freaked I don't think, the week is young hehe.

Another Question: When I purchased my two females together out of the same tank, brought them both home and put them in the same tank. The RED one took dominance right away in the tank.. So. I have taken the one out and put him in our 25 gallon community tank here.. So far she is doing nothing but hiding.. and I mean hiding.. .Is this normal.? She did come out to eat her blood worms though, so that made me happy.. But it seems like she may not want to be in this tank at all... seemed very freaked out and timid towards to whole tank atmosphere...

Thanks for listening and hope to hear from some of you soon..

Mar 11, 2003
The hiding is normal. I see the same reaction when I first transfer a betta to a community tank. She should snap out of it, and hey, at least she's eating! Some of mine wouldn't even come up for food.
