Bettas with no heaters


Large Fish
Mar 10, 2003
Visit site
I really love bettas. They come in so many colours, and their personalities are great.

I bought a glass bowl thing, put a plant in, and added some room temp water treated with aqua safe. Anyway, theres no heater in there, and the fish is fine after 3 weeks. The temp is betwwen 70 and 72. We got another bowl the same, and got another betta, this one we've had for 2 weeks. I'm happy as hell that they're doing ok. They've lasted longer than the bettas I previously had in a bigger tank with a heater.

They're both feeding fine, and I do a complete water change once a week.

How come these fish are so happy without heat? No signs of any ilness or stress.

Edit: and they both constantly build bubble nests, when I do the water change, they start building again soon after going back in the bowl.

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Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
The bettas are just happy to swim after being kept in a cup most of their life. How they survive depends on how healthy the fish is, water conditions and care. They can live in cooler waters, that is why their very hardy for tropical fish but if you want them to thrive, the water temp should be 75-78 degrees. My betta is in a 6 gal with no heater but my bedroom door is always closed and warm so the tank is 76-78 degrees. If you want your fish to live longer and become less stressed, keep their bowls apart so they are not constantly flaring at one another and get stressed out and try putting them in a warmer room or raise the heat a little.


Medium Fish
Sep 18, 2005
Don't wanna alarm you, but my mom used to keep 2 bettas EXACTLY the way you described (well, almost exactly). Small bowl, room temp. water, no heater, 100% water changes (don't think they were weekly, they were more often).

They didn't seem distressed at all. Also constructed regular bubble nests. However, they only lived a few short months and I know for a fact they live longer than that.

I wish you good luck. I'm going to keep my future betta in nothing less than a 5 gal. long tank w/ mini filter like sweetvegan, which I'm sure is VERY happy (awesome avatar by the way!).

Sep 8, 2005
Bettas are tropical fish and like warm water. People keep goldfish in small bowls that live maybe a year and they think that is okay. Considering a goldfish's life span is at least 10 years i think it sucks. If you want your fish to live a few years give him some warm water and a little more room to swim. Good luck with your fishes.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Thanks Charlius! That is my favorite pic of UB. His bottom fin has grown so long, he makes me jealous I wish my hair grew that fast. LOL

Prettypleco is right, Bettas should be treated just like any other tropical fish, they should always have warm, nice sized filtered aquariums. Some people I talk to say Bettas are boring fish cause they don't move that much, when they see them in pet shops. But come on, what's there to do when your living in a closet?

May 12, 2005
I have had a betta named Bubba for two years now. He lives in a one gallon aquarium with a dwarf african frog. He seems very happy and active. I do not heat his aquarium and I do 100% water changes every week. We do live in the South and he is in our living room so I guess it stays fairly warm in there. He seems to be thriving so I am going to keep things the way they are for him.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
We had a betta live to 4.5 years or so in a bowl (larger than 1g). Tim is over 3 now, he's in an unheated 1.5 hex. I've had the female in my heated 2.5 for 1.5 years, she is currently slowly dieing (she was full grown when I got her, not sure how old she is). I've only killed off 2 male bettas in 3.5 years having them in bowls (excepting the ones that we got that died of fungus within a few days-they were from a bad batch), 4 still alive.

If the bowls are well cared for, bettas do fine in them. Full lifespan, plenty of activity (assuming a bowl over 1g, and reasonably warm room).