Bettas with Snails

I have Bettas in with Snails. Would you believe that one of the bettas loves his snail companions so much he follows them around the 3 gallon tank and watches them eat? It amazes me how attentive Rainbow is of his companions. He never nips antennas or acts aggressively towards them. Has anyone had trouble with bettas and snails?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
uuum... snails poop a lot so u have to keep that in mind. If u do water changes daily then MAYBE a 1 gallon. I suggest bigger tanks so that the betta has a lot of room. After all, if u were a betta and had lived in a cup for weeks, wouldn't u love a lot of room to strech your fins? I have my betta in a five gallon that once had snails, but he ate them all. YAY.

Jun 25, 2006
i was previously warned against snails considering they multiply in an instant but after having bought some decorative plants (which i may add showed no signs of snails in isolation >.<) i have ended up with 2 snails with my betta, i figured id leave one in and give the other to my goldfish...see what happens ^.^