
Hey! I'm new to this forum, which I think is really great by the way. Anyways, I just bought a 10 gallon tank, and I have a filter, bubble stones, heater, etc, and I wanted to get a male betta fish, and a female betta fish, and I also want to get 6 to 8 ghost shrimp, and two dwarf african frogs. What other types of fish get along with the bettas? I want to get a rainbow shark, however, I didn't know if it was a good idea. THanks very much in advance! ~Mikey


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Hi Mikey, and welcome to the forum.

Unfortunately, you can't keep a male and female betta together in the same tank. They can only be put together while they are breeding, and have to be separated immedietly, or they will fight.

You can certainly have a male betta, ghost shrimp and dwarf frogs (although sometimes the shrimp will become frog snacks).

A rainbow shark really isn't a good idea with a betta.

Bettas tend to prefer to be the only fish, although some bottom feeders like otos or cories will do OK with a betta, generally.

I hope you have read up on cycling your tank, so that it is safe before you add your fish and other critters. :)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Where did you get this..i'd really like to see it.

Bettas are from the Belontiidae family. Classified under the Labyrinth Fishes. Cichlids are from the Cichlidae family and are classified under the Cichlid Fishes.

No realation.

If you are indeed right please step up and show some evidence.


Medium Fish
Mar 27, 2004
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yeh i agree cycle the tank first. I'd also research properly about feeding african dwarf frogs as they can be quite hard to feed in a community tank and they apparently have to be fed live food cos flakes and pellets can clog up their stomaches and intestines.
As for the fighter i heard that males and females can be kept together aslong as there is a few females.
Having so many ghost shrimp may present a bit too much of a food struggle in a tank the size of yours and it will end up survival of the fittest kind of thing. Why not try a filter feeder such as a wood or rainbpw shrimp or try one of the algae eaters such as red nmose shrimp or an amano shrimp.
Up to you at the end of the day but my best advice to you is research, reasearch and then when ya can barely keep ya eyes open do some more research.

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Medium Fish
Jan 12, 2004
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My suggestion would be:

1 male betta
3 pygmy corys
2 otocinclus cats

The problem with adf's is that they nearly have to be hand fed. They are very messy eaters. The general rule of thumb is 5 gallons of water per frog. These guys are not the sharpest tacks in the box.

Just my opinion.

I currently have 1 male betta, 1 otocinclus, 1 apple snail, and 3 ghost shrimp in a 5 gallon. I also have a divided 10g w/2 male bettas, red ramshorn snails and ghost shrimp.

Tankmates for your betta will depend largely on the betta himself. Some tolerate tankmates, some do not. I have one that doesn't tolerate anything except Malaysian Trumpet Snails and that is only because he doesn't see them all the time. These are very individual fish with distinct fishonalities.

Just my thoughts...

Good Luck!!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Other variety of frogs usually get too big. ADF's are pretty boring, and tend to jump outta tanks.

In regards to betta aggression... trust me, the get worse with age. I know 1 betta that waits till the other (faster) fish (like minnows) are asleep then attacks them.

I currently have over 240 bettas surrounding me, they are great fish but prefer solitude. I do not suggest mixing a male betta with any combination of females in a 10g or even large tanks. My female bettas have tried to kill each other, let alone what my male would do to a female if he got cranky.

I like the following for a 'betta' featured 10g semi-commuity tank:

1 Male Betta (feature)
4-5 Cory Cats (tough and non-invasive of top betta territory)
A few Snails or and Otto Algea Eater.

Make it a betta tank first, then try adding non-invasive tankmates, mostly bottom level fish. Avoid guppies and other mid-level fish.