Betta's :)

May 3, 2012
Well technically im a "Newbie" on this forum but i use/used others :)

Just wanted to share my Sorority :) its a small one, i would love to have it set up in my 20 gallon right now but i'm trying to get rid of most of my tanks, so i just did a small one in a 10 gallon, have some live plants that should hopefully fill in some of the gaps that the fakes dont fill in over time as they grow larger
Here is a picture (if i can get it to upload)

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Feb 27, 2009
alysalouise, I would strongly advise against mixing male and female bettas in the same tank to live. Please do research on betta keeping at other websites to determine how they should be kept.

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Superstar Fish
Andrew, its a forum and not everyone is going to agree. There is no since in getting upset or stop stating your experience. The other poster just stated their opinion. In my experience I have not been able to keep females with males either. Its been better then a decade ago but the male killed all the females with in a months time. I kept gold fish with cichlids and they lived does that mean its always that way, heck no. some experiences are exceptions and would love to hear about them.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
In all the research I have done which includes reading several books on bettas and their care and mating practices, I have not found one source that mixed males and females with the exception of the short time they will put a female in with a male to spawn - and that is only for a short time - hours to a couple of days and need almost continuously observation. Once the female spawns, the male will attempt to kill the female. I feel I have experience with bettas, but I do not want to sacrifice any fish just to try to prove these authors and experienced betta breeders wrong. I also don't have the time, energy or space to deal with fry which is a very involved process and takes a lot of dedication, let alone supplies, (containers) A sorority is different - being all females, but they still have to be observed carefully. So far a larger tank with plenty of hiding places and compatible community fish has worked for me.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
What ever i'm just gunna stop commenting on Bettas.
Hello; Do not stop yet. I put the question of keeping male and female(s) bettas together in an open tank on another forum. As of yesterday two people had responded. One has stated they have also done this with success. The other person did not exactly say they had actually done it, but seemed to think it possible . I will keep checking for more responses. As long as we stay civil, these discussions are interesting. I recall raising some dust when I first joined this forum with my comments on stocking density.