Better betta tank?

I have a male veil tail betta, named Frap, in a 1g bowl. I'm considering moving him to an Eclipse 3 or 6 system tank, maybe with 3 cory's for company.

Anyone think this is a bad idea? I don't know how he will like the filter output, but if he really doesn't like it, I can always move him back.

Frap has a very deep red body. Half his fins close to his body are a deep red, with the rest of his fins a clear transparent color with a hint of iridescence. Does this color variety/style have a particular name?




Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Looks like my first betta, Robin. beauty.

If you get a 3 gallon, just put the betta in himself with maybe some african dwarf frogs. If you get the 6, then 3-4 cory cats should be fine with a betta.

Plus, you can heat a 6 gallon with a 50w heater, which is better for the cories and the betta.


Got a 6g Eclipse and he loves it.

I moved him in on a Friday evening and watched him for a few hours. He was quite stressed about the move at first, hanging out near the filter intake for an hour without moving. Then he started to explore the tank a bit, but not straying too far from the filter intake.

I left him alone most of Saturday. He didn't eat breakfast; ate a little lunch; had a full dinner.

On Sunday I added two cory's. He was very interested in them in a non-theatening manner. He would swim up to one of them at a time as they were scurrying around the tank. I guess he was wondering what they were.

Now he is constantly swimming around the tank and generally ignores the cory's.

I did have to slow the Eclipse output flow down a bit by stuffing the intake a bit, but now that the bio-wheel is slowing down due to bacteria growth, the output is much better, and he almost seems to like swimming in it.

No live plants for this tank. Have a fake silk plant in there which he seems to like. May go with a medieval theme with gargoyles and a castle ruin.

Overall, a very good move and a very happy betta.