better days to come


Small Fish
May 31, 2006
well thanks to some work and quiet a bit of reaserch i think my pond is on its way to being stable and then i plan on getting some more intresting fish. im not sure i have a few comets in my pond. but im lookin to get a few more fish once it stabilizes. any recomindations would be apreciated. it seems to be leveling off quiet nicely. im thinking about some kind of bottom forager or clean up type fish. i live in memphis tn so the water may get pretty cold in the winter. thanks to this pond i think i want to get me a tank for inside too but thats probly further down the road maby next summers project *GOLDFISH* im hooked


Small Fish
May 31, 2006
well the pond is about 70 gal and about 18 inches deep but this winter i may take the fish inside and if i get some nice ones ill be sure to do that or make my parents do it ill be off at college im just trying to get it leveled off and easy to take care of for them. and thanks to our great friend global warming ive never had it that cold here usually we have a few weeks of below freezing temps but its usually hovers in the thirtys


Small Fish
May 31, 2006
i have like 5 left i think the other died because of a lack of oxygen i think umm im not really sure the deminsions it has 2 small shelves on part of it and its about i guess 6by 4 but its an irregualr shape


Small Fish
May 31, 2006
well the fish that were lost were before i got a new pump/filter the old pump wasnt moving much water. and yeah i guess it is already stocked i was mainly wondering about one or 2 smaller oner that will help me keep it clean