Just over a week ago I was browsing through some high-res closeups (w. flash on) of Triton, and I noticed what appeared to be whitish holes or 'pitting' on his head area; particularly around/above his eyes (look here...Oscarfish.com :: View topic - 'Grow Into' Sensory Pits?). I immediately thought "oh no, the dreaded HITH (hole-in-the-head disease)!" Through a discussion with the experts over on oscarfish.com, I'm not certain that it is HITH, but some investigating that went along with this inquiry has revealed several problems (mostly tapwater-related) that could have been causing him some distress.
Long story short, I have taken some corrective steps, and I'm fairly confident that Triton's 'quality of life' is now starting to get much better...
-discrepancy between tapwater pH (8.8 ) and tankwater pH (7.2) drastically reduced via aging the water overnight (down to 7.6 pH)
-chloramines and 0.5 PPM ammonia in tapwater (previously untreated because I was using only a dechlorinator) now treated with Prime
-added Hikari Cichlid Bio-Gold+ to Triton's diet
On the way from drsfostersmith:
-Boyd's Vita-Chem
-Tetra brand freeze-dried jumbo krill
-AquaClear 110 HOB filter (will be added to my current 55 gal. tank's two AquaClear 50 HOB filters)
-digital thermometer
Also in the works:
-75 gal. tank BY Christmas at the latest
(all gravel, decor, and filters to be moved to it from my current 55 gal. tank)
Long story short, I have taken some corrective steps, and I'm fairly confident that Triton's 'quality of life' is now starting to get much better...
-discrepancy between tapwater pH (8.8 ) and tankwater pH (7.2) drastically reduced via aging the water overnight (down to 7.6 pH)
-chloramines and 0.5 PPM ammonia in tapwater (previously untreated because I was using only a dechlorinator) now treated with Prime
-added Hikari Cichlid Bio-Gold+ to Triton's diet
On the way from drsfostersmith:
-Boyd's Vita-Chem
-Tetra brand freeze-dried jumbo krill
-AquaClear 110 HOB filter (will be added to my current 55 gal. tank's two AquaClear 50 HOB filters)
-digital thermometer
Also in the works:
-75 gal. tank BY Christmas at the latest
(all gravel, decor, and filters to be moved to it from my current 55 gal. tank)