BGA Treatment + Vacation = Dead Fish


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
In my planted tank, or my first attempt on a planted tank, I got an infection of BGA (blue-green algea) or cyanobacteria. I used's boards to ask questions and learn a bit about this bactria. But as of a few minutes ago i read an article on it right here in the articles section which would have been very useful if i had read it before my vacation. What i wanted to do was balance out my nutrients and such so i wouldnt have this BGA problem again. So I found out that my C02 wasnt doing much of anything so i resealed it since it had a leak and made a new batch of C02 mix using cold/warm water, since i was using hot water which was making the yeast inactive or useless. So my new batch was actually producing C02 at a nice steady rate and i removed the biowheel to see if it would help(This was my first bad mistake). Then after i did a water change and the C02 was producing i rinsed off the filter pad and put in half a tablet of Maracyn, a medication that kills off BGA. Then i fed the 6 Glowlights a frozen cube of mosquito larvea. And left on my vacation for 5 days. What i didnt read that was VERY important was that when the BGA dies off it floats and starts to decay and thus produce Ammonia,N02, and N03.

So i left for my vacation thinking i would come back to healthy fish and a tank without a BGA. Well as of my return i came back to find my 10g planted with no BGA or live fish. I was shocked when i saw them all dead, a few floating and a few laying on the bottom all with no signs of life. The tank was very still current wise so as i opened the filter it was clogged up and overflowing. So i rinsed the pad which was appartenly coated in slime which i just found out was BGA after reading Robert H's article on BGA. So my mistakes were, removing the biowheel and adding Maracyn during my vacation. So i killed my fish and if i just did a little more reading and found Roberts article i could of avoided this all. So I guess i learned the hard way on treating a tank of BGA. If anyone else has a problem with BGA dont follow my mistakes and read Roberts article on Blue- Green Algea here :

- depthC

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Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Yeah i do plan to restock or just move some fish to the tank. The good thing about it is that my plants grew some. But i also had 1 white cloud disappear and 2 spotted corys die of starvation im guessing but i thought i fed them well so now its just 1 spotted cory left and i feel bad for him so i may move him to one of my 10g with a more fine gravel and have him some friends when he gets put in. And before that when i did a water change i found 2 dead harlequins. It appears that they had there stomach rot or something of the sort were there stomach disintegrates. And ive had this happen to one of my harlequins before and i got to see him suffer so im not sure what is the cause but it would be good to know so i could maybe avoid it so my whole harlequin stock doesnt die like this over time. Its just a bummer because my glowlights were fish that breed regularly and each one i could point out so it sucks/ed to see them all dead. I guess this is just a time of learning lessons for me lately.

- depthC